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HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:18 am
by kreator ... eople.html

I don't know for sure, but there are a lot of experts on IGX today about this subject.
On the one hand she says some groups of people are better, on the other hand she likes your people and even married one.

Personally, I think she looks pretty good for 51.
She gained notoriety in 2011 as the uncompromising 'Tiger Mom' - boastful that Chinese mothers make better parents and ultimately have more successful children.

Now though, Amy Chau, 51, has inspired the fury of the public on Twitter with her new controversial theory that some races and religions are just superior to everyone else.

Dubbed 'simply racist' by one commentor on Twitter, another pulled no punches and called her a 'full blown eugenics pushing racist!'

Others were more diplomatic charging that 'Chau has now begun treading terriroty uncomfortably close to racism.'

Published in the new book, 'The Triple Package', that she has written with her Jewish husband Jed Rubenfeld, Chua names the eight groupings that are exceptional in no particular order - and unsurprisingly, the Chinese are one of the top dogs.

The other seven are Jewish, Indian, Iranian, Lebanese-Americans, Nigerians, Cuban exiles and Mormons.

Clearly one of these groupings is a religion and by calling them 'cultural', never ethnic, racial or religious, Chau and her husband seek to avoid the hugely controversial criticism this would bring.

However, Chau does identify three distinguishing features these eight peoples have that guarantees them success over others; superiority, insecurity and impulse control.

'That certain groups do much better in America than others — as measured by income, occupational status, test scores and so on — is difficult to talk about,' the authors write.

'In large part, this is because the topic feels so racially charged.'

Chau and her husband argue that far from pointing fingers and exulting certain cultural groups, they are agitating for everyone else to follow their example and bring back America's glory days.

'Tiger Mom' Amy Chua and her husband Jed Rubenfeld have penned a new even more controversial parenting theory and guide

Chau, who is a law professor at Yale launched to international fame in 2011 when The Wall Street Journal published an extract from her book, 'Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom'.

Raised in the Midwest, Chau's book showed her determination to take the perceived worst stereotypical traits of Chinese women as cold and hostile to their children and make virtues out them.

She wrote that she called one of her two daughters 'garbage' for being rude and labeled a homemade birthday card as awful, telling her girl, 'I don't want this - I want another one.'

She also refused to let her children watch television, go to sleepovers and even threatened to give-away one of her girl's beloved dollhouses if she couldn't learn to play a classical composition within days.

Her book bolstered her opinion that Chinese mother's made the best parents and played on the American fear of the United States being eclipsed by a rising China.

The book was a best seller and now her new exploration of family seeks to play on the growing fear of the middle-class never booming again.

She breaks down the 'Triple Package' succinctly for her readers as follows:

1) A superiority complex: Chau believes that any cultural group who innately thinks they are just better than others has an advantage.

Ignoring the wars, genocide and abject human misery this kind of thinking has caused, Chau and her husband declare that 'the superiority complex is antithetical to mainstream liberal thinking...the stuff of racism , colonialism, imperialism, Nazism.'

2) Insecurity: Chau and her husband believe that a deep seated insecurity can be a motivating drive to achieving success.

'That insecurity should be a critical lever of success is another anathema, flouting the entire orthodoxy of contemporary popular and therapeutic psychology,' they write according to the New York Post.

'Note that there’s a deep tension between insecurity and a superiority complex,' the authors continue.

'It’s odd to think of people being simultaneously insecure but also convinced of their divine election or superiority.'

3) Impulse Control: Chau thinks that perseverance and patience are virtues that have been lost to most Americans - but still exist among her eight golden cultural groups.

Straying into controversial territory, Chau and her husband say that African-Americans don't make the list because the Civil Rights Movement destroyed their chance of any superiority.

'In this paradoxical sense, equality isn’t fair to African-Americans,' they write.

'Superiority is the one narrative that America has relentlessly denied or ground out of its black population.'

African immigrants do better than African Americans because they were born on the continent and therefore just as the Chinese believe their 5,000-year-old civilization makes them great - so do Nigerians.

Trying to bundle their 'Triple Package' for everyone though is a hard task.

After spending much of the book criticizing most Americans, Chau and he husband declare that there the point of their book 'is the promise of a day when there are no longer any successful groups in the United States - only successful individuals.'

In other news, I see Daily Mail still uses interns for copy editors.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:24 am
by Kenny X

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:27 am
by The Ginger Beard Man
Anyone who thinks the fucking chinks are culturally superior can blow me. (Does that make me racist?)
Immigrant kids, pretty much regardless of culture, excel in school, and I think that's great.
But I deal with a lot of Chinese-Americans, both immigrant and those born here, and Chinese tourists and business travelers.
The Chinese have no manners. Trust me on this one.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:28 am
by Batboy2/75
LOL, she sounds like a complete loon.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:49 am
by JDub
Their General Tso's chicken is the shit, regardless.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:10 am
by Protobuilder
The Ginger Beard Man wrote:The Chinese have no manners. Trust me on this one.
How would you compare them to the whites or the Americans?

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:31 am
by TomFurman
Dr. Agkistrodon wrote:WOULD.
Bang that like a screen door in a tornado.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:19 am
by Kazuya Mishima
kreator wrote:HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?
No, she's just a lippy chink whose husband lets her get away with running that yap when she should have been shown the way to the kitchen a long ass time ago. I think she's a bit psychotic when it comes to parenting theories, but only in degree and not in kind. She's on the right track in that it's OK to be tough on your kids and establish high expectations. I don't know about tearing up birthday cards because they're not good enough...shades of Mommie Dearest, imo. Asian women can be shrewish to a degree unparalleled on the planet, and she seems to be in the 99.9999th percentile. Doesn't help that she's married to a Jewbag who has never worked a real job in his life...he probably thinks he's being quite the progressive letting his slant eyed yenta run around and making the media circles with this nonsense but the brutal fact is that he's in a female led relationship and just doesn't know it. I'd love to know her requirements for the bedroom if she's that tough on the kids. The examples of sociopathic parenting given above would indicate to me that you'd better be packing 10-inches and can fuck for three hours straight. I don't know about all this "would" business...Asian women have never done it for me, and she's not even attractive compared to your average flat-assed laundry mule, in my opinion.

Whatevs. I don't hang my hat on my racial identity (I'm not a joiner, and cowards run in packs), so it's no skin off my nose if she doesn't include whitey in her "great eight". Nigerians and Cuban exiles, though? LULZ...the balls on this frail bitch.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:12 am
by The Ginger Beard Man
Terry B. wrote:
The Ginger Beard Man wrote:The Chinese have no manners. Trust me on this one.
How would you compare them to the whites or the Americans?
Worse. You live there right?
First an example among my coworkers. I should mention that I work in a well known NYC steakhouse frequented by travelers from around the world. Also, Warren Buffet eats there, and that attracts a lot of Asians.
Most of my Chinese co workers are immigrants who have been in NY 20'yrs+. Yet they will hock a loogie almost anywhere. Most frequently, by the dish washing station, where they can spit it into the trash. Mind you,dishes are washed in the kitchen, just a few feet from where food is cooked and clean dishes stored. Not all of these guys are peasants, either. Even the former dentist from Shanghai does this.
This also jibes with my experience living in Soho, near Chinatown. Chinese moms will have their little kids drop trou, squat down and piss in the street or on the sidewalk without any hesitation.
Our steaks are big, it's part of the whole thing of being in a NY steakhouse. We have some smaller cuts, and sometimes customers will order those to avoid overdoing it.
Only the Chinese will order one fucking steak for six people. And one soup or salad first.
(You can get everyone at a table of Chinese businessmen to order their own cajun rib steak by telling them Warren Buffet eats it every time he comes, but then they will sit there all night trying to eat the damn thing.)
As part of the process of ordering and eating, they will flat out ignore you every time you approach the table, too busy staring into their smart phones like something out of a cartoon, then frantically wave at every single other waiter they see the moment you approach another table.

I suspect that a lot of the crappy behavior comes from the lack of a middle class in China. I've been treated crappily by wealthy people from around the world (not all, like everyone else the wealthy are a mixed bag), but basically, honest, hard working middle class people, like firemen and accountants and secretary's, are the best. Regardless of race. Except teachers. They are the cheapest fucks going. Especially on Long Island, where they are not at all underpaid. But I digress.

Anyway, I've been told that in China, waiters are treated like dogs. I believe it.

Don't get me wrong, I like most of the Chino's I work with, and rented an apartment from one of them in a mostly Chinese neighborhood in Brooklyn. They work hard and don't shoot people, and if I had a kid I'd want him in a school full of immigrant kids so maybe he'd learn to work hard and not be a lazy whiteboy.
I just wouldn't want him pissing in the street, expectorating any damn place he feels like it, staring into his smartphone through dinner, and waving at every fucking waiter in the restaurant just because he's decided he absolutely must order (or have his table cleared) RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:44 am
by Protobuilder
The Ginger Beard Man wrote:
Terry B. wrote:
The Ginger Beard Man wrote:The Chinese have no manners. Trust me on this one.
How would you compare them to the whites or the Americans?
Worse. You live there right?
First an example among my coworkers. I should mention that I work in a well known NYC steakhouse frequented by travelers from around the world. Also, Warren Buffet eats there, and that attracts a lot of Asians.
Most of my Chinese co workers are immigrants who have been in NY 20'yrs+. Yet they will hock a loogie almost anywhere. Most frequently, by the dish washing station, where they can spit it into the trash. Mind you,dishes are washed in the kitchen, just a few feet from where food is cooked and clean dishes stored. Not all of these guys are peasants, either. Even the former dentist from Shanghai does this.
This also jibes with my experience living in Soho, near Chinatown. Chinese moms will have their little kids drop trou, squat down and piss in the street or on the sidewalk without any hesitation.
Our steaks are big, it's part of the whole thing of being in a NY steakhouse. We have some smaller cuts, and sometimes customers will order those to avoid overdoing it.
Only the Chinese will order one fucking steak for six people. And one soup or salad first.
(You can get everyone at a table of Chinese businessmen to order their own cajun rib steak by telling them Warren Buffet eats it every time he comes, but then they will sit there all night trying to eat the damn thing.)
As part of the process of ordering and eating, they will flat out ignore you every time you approach the table, too busy staring into their smart phones like something out of a cartoon, then frantically wave at every single other waiter they see the moment you approach another table.

I suspect that a lot of the crappy behavior comes from the lack of a middle class in China. I've been treated crappily by wealthy people from around the world (not all, like everyone else the wealthy are a mixed bag), but basically, honest, hard working middle class people, like firemen and accountants and secretary's, are the best. Regardless of race. Except teachers. They are the cheapest fucks going. Especially on Long Island, where they are not at all underpaid. But I digress.

Anyway, I've been told that in China, waiters are treated like dogs. I believe it.

Don't get me wrong, I like most of the Chino's I work with, and rented an apartment from one of them in a mostly Chinese neighborhood in Brooklyn. They work hard and don't shoot people, and if I had a kid I'd want him in a school full of immigrant kids so maybe he'd learn to work hard and not be a lazy whiteboy.
I just wouldn't want him pissing in the street, expectorating any damn place he feels like it, staring into his smartphone through dinner, and waving at every fucking waiter in the restaurant just because he's decided he absolutely must order (or have his table cleared) RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
I certainly wouldn't dispute any of your statements and could raise you across the board on your stories. However, "Chinese" are, in my opinion, one of the more diverse groups of people on the planet and many would be more offended by the types of behavior you described than you were.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:49 am
by Kenny X
TomFurman wrote:
Dr. Agkistrodon wrote:WOULD.
Bang that like a screen door in a tornado.
+5 =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :drinkers:

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:57 pm
by Kazuya Mishima
This recent book by Chau is nothing new. I imagine it's the way she's expressing her theories that is the problem. There's a neat little book on my shelf at home called 'The Jewish Phenomenon', and it purports to explain the inordinate success of Jews (especially in America). Basically, it all comes back to culture...strong family unit, spiritual grounding, emphasis on education and skilled trades in the household, strong rhetorical skills (basically strong verbal communication and basic logic/reasoning), and the importance of having chutzpah and being a mensch and all that happy horseshit among other things. I think Silberger (the author) also points out the basic cultural need to "prove something" which falls in line with Chau's insecurity angle.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:39 pm
by kreator
Terry B. wrote:
The Ginger Beard Man wrote:
Terry B. wrote:
The Ginger Beard Man wrote:The Chinese have no manners. Trust me on this one.
How would you compare them to the whites or the Americans?
Worse. You live there right?
First an example among my coworkers. I should mention that I work in a well known NYC steakhouse frequented by travelers from around the world. Also, Warren Buffet eats there, and that attracts a lot of Asians.
Most of my Chinese co workers are immigrants who have been in NY 20'yrs+. Yet they will hock a loogie almost anywhere. Most frequently, by the dish washing station, where they can spit it into the trash. Mind you,dishes are washed in the kitchen, just a few feet from where food is cooked and clean dishes stored. Not all of these guys are peasants, either. Even the former dentist from Shanghai does this.
This also jibes with my experience living in Soho, near Chinatown. Chinese moms will have their little kids drop trou, squat down and piss in the street or on the sidewalk without any hesitation.
Our steaks are big, it's part of the whole thing of being in a NY steakhouse. We have some smaller cuts, and sometimes customers will order those to avoid overdoing it.
Only the Chinese will order one fucking steak for six people. And one soup or salad first.
(You can get everyone at a table of Chinese businessmen to order their own cajun rib steak by telling them Warren Buffet eats it every time he comes, but then they will sit there all night trying to eat the damn thing.)
As part of the process of ordering and eating, they will flat out ignore you every time you approach the table, too busy staring into their smart phones like something out of a cartoon, then frantically wave at every single other waiter they see the moment you approach another table.

I suspect that a lot of the crappy behavior comes from the lack of a middle class in China. I've been treated crappily by wealthy people from around the world (not all, like everyone else the wealthy are a mixed bag), but basically, honest, hard working middle class people, like firemen and accountants and secretary's, are the best. Regardless of race. Except teachers. They are the cheapest fucks going. Especially on Long Island, where they are not at all underpaid. But I digress.

Anyway, I've been told that in China, waiters are treated like dogs. I believe it.

Don't get me wrong, I like most of the Chino's I work with, and rented an apartment from one of them in a mostly Chinese neighborhood in Brooklyn. They work hard and don't shoot people, and if I had a kid I'd want him in a school full of immigrant kids so maybe he'd learn to work hard and not be a lazy whiteboy.
I just wouldn't want him pissing in the street, expectorating any damn place he feels like it, staring into his smartphone through dinner, and waving at every fucking waiter in the restaurant just because he's decided he absolutely must order (or have his table cleared) RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
I certainly wouldn't dispute any of your statements and could raise you across the board on your stories. However, "Chinese" are, in my opinion, one of the more diverse groups of people on the planet and many would be more offended by the types of behavior you described than you were.
There are several pools in NYC that have giant "no spitting" signs written in Chinese with smaller translations in English. And yet it still happens; saw it last night during my workout actually. Never seen anyone piss openly in the street that wasn't drunk though.
Not sure about how waiters are treated in China but I do know in the US, Chinese waiters are considered to have some of the worst service, and that's word from a Chinese person.
I think a lot of what you describe depends on where the person was educated.
The GF is Chinese and I've met a lot of them that did higher education in the US, and they all have better manners than most other people I encounter including when out at restaurant. But as for people not educated in the US, they retain a lot of those customs or "mannerisms." Actually I've found at least in this city that Asians who are educated tend to retain some of the same characteristics whether they're Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc if they are western educated and just become "Asians." But if they not Western educated then there are differences.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:50 pm
by The Ginger Beard Man
The smart phone thing and the waving at everyone are pretty consistent.
The other stuff varies quite a bit.
And I can do this with most groups, although there are always exceptions, of course.

Re: HH, Kaz, need expert opinion: is this lady a raysis?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:56 pm
by Freki
What about Lebanon-Lebanese? Or it is just the Lebanese-Americans?