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Review of Warrior Wellness

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:10 pm
by Matt
Ok, I bought a bunch of RMAX products from various places and have been working with them since December. So I'll start reviewing them.

Warrior Wellness - Good joint mobility program. Scott emphasizes reclaiming a joint ROM, then coordinating it with other joint ROMS, then refining the motions into more intricate patterns requiring finer muscle control.

Likes: Decent joint mobility program. Interesting way to coordinate joint motions. Some cool mobility exercises on there that I never saw and that I use all the time now. Integration of breathing with the exercises.

Dislikes: The coordination of the joint movements in the later sections seems to take away from the individual joint ROM practice. That is, coordinating the motion of several joints, while fun, seems to require less ROM in each of the joints themseleves. More of a muscle control exercise than a joint mobility exercise. I don't get the feeling that I'm respirating my joints as much as I'd like. It's more movement but not challenging to the ROM. Doesn't raise my energy level nearly as much as Steve Maxwell's JM DVD.

Verdict: Some good exercises, and the concepts of recovery, sophistication, and refinement are useful. I have stuck with the beginner and intermediate program for several months but have recently switched to mixing that up every other day with Steve Maxwell's program, which I like better for pure joint mobility and energy boost rather than just muscle coordination.
