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Dynamite Warrior

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:56 pm
by Kazuya Mishima
Ugh...this ain't no Ong Bak, and the lead guy ain't no Tony Jaa. I wish I had rented instead of purchased.

The story takes place in 1850 and involves a Thai Robin Hood character that used Muay Thai (well, knees at least) and giant fireworks to fight cattle rustlers and an evil hairlipped tractor tycoon (no, I'm not kidding). There is also a menstrating virgin, a guy with a thyroid problem that goes berserk when he gets hungry, and battling wizards involved. Trust me...just watch.

I got it hoping that the action sequences would be up to Tony Jaa standards...they're not. Honestly, I think I could do better action choreography. The realism of it is also up-and-down. About every third flying knee gives you that "oh, that shit hurt" reaction like the first time you watch Ong Bak, but the rest is very pitty-pat. The guy basically gets into fights, sets off some rockets, throws 100 knees, and rides off into the sunset. Rinse and repeat.

There's also a heavy comedy element that runs through the film...but I guess Thai humor is a lot like British humor...I don't get that shit either.

If you're a big fan of Thai action cinema then check it out. The cinematography is actually quite nice, and the scenery is beautiful. Casual action fans and even fans of martial arts movies may be a bit disappointed.

I'd give it 2 stars out of 5.