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Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:39 pm
by Abandoned by Wolves
OK, since the last fellow who posted here couldn't take the ribbing and left in a huff, I thought I would try to review it again so people will consider BER on its own merits, apart from the personality quirks of self promoting yo-yos. You guys can take all the shots at me that you want...I'm used to it.


$45+ for an e-book may seem like a lot, but it's very well thought out, very well organized (with a couple of editorial gaffes, but nothing critical), and you do get access to downloadable video clips that demonstrate the exercises and routines for each section of the book. The table of contents is almost as long as the book itself, which is nice when you are trying to locate a particular idea or concept. Steer and Murdock provide a website with a forum where you can ask questions or discuss ideas etc, and they are very good about answering posts within a day or two. The site itself isn't especially RMAX in its look and feel, and most of the posters are not hard core CST guys.

People who like Sonnon's approach to bodyweight exercise but don't want to drink the Kool-Aid will probably like this collection. The 4x7 training template appeals to my common sense (based on the book "Consistent Winning", but repurposed for strength/mobility/bodyweight exercise instead of distance running). It incorporates drills from "Flow Fit I", "Forward Pressure" and some of the other ideas Sonnon has introduced over the years (maybe he didn't invent them, but in most cases, his intro's were the first time I saw them) in a nice, progressive, sustainable format, and you can get through your daily program in a reasonable amount of time.

The programs include strength development, hypertrophy, fat loss, general athleticism, and longevity. (I find it interesting that the longevity program focuses heavily on the one legged squat/pistol). You can also used the template to implement other "generalized" programs - Flow Fit I fits nicely in this category.

Murdock and Steer appear to be very capable and display admirable athleticism and overall fitness in their clips. The editorial style has very little self puffery a-la Matt Furey - they just show you what they can do, and show you how to do it.

I'm working on the General Athleticism program right now, Phase I, and the Metcon workout for the high intensity day absolutely kicked my butt, but left me feeling pretty good. In a month, I'll move over to the Longevity program, then try the GA program again, etc.

I'm satisfied with the purchase and the program - it lets me incorporate yoga and JM and chi kung, so I don't have to give up things I enjoy doing, but lets me do hard exercise as well. YMMV.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:31 am
by Dave
Good Review,and yes it is an excellent value

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:37 pm
by Fat Cat
lnx plz

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:40 pm
by Crust Bucket

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:44 pm
by Abandoned by Wolves
Fat Cat wrote:lnx plz

The book itself is available at

Steer and Murdock have a support site at

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:17 pm
by Fat Cat
tnx lmn

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:44 am
by DrDonkeyLove
Get Ready to Uncover the Secret Bodyweight Workouts Known to Only a Chosen Few - Elite Athletes, Rock Stars, and CEO's - in the Inner Circle of World-Renowned CST Trainers Ryan Murdock and Adam Steer.
I was sort of considering purchasing this book then I saw "Secret, Rock Stars, CEO's, and World-Renowned" in the same sentence. Don't care how good it is, I'm no longer interested even if it means I'll never be elite.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:26 pm
by Shafpocalypse Now
preez to email me copy for review!

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:01 pm
by Abandoned by Wolves
DrDonkeyLove wrote:
Get Ready to Uncover the Secret Bodyweight Workouts Known to Only a Chosen Few - Elite Athletes, Rock Stars, and CEO's - in the Inner Circle of World-Renowned CST Trainers Ryan Murdock and Adam Steer.
I was sort of considering purchasing this book then I saw "Secret, Rock Stars, CEO's, and World-Renowned" in the same sentence. Don't care how good it is, I'm no longer interested even if it means I'll never be elite.
I don't blame you. I automatically filter out that kind of ad copy "noise" these days, and I hardly noticed it.

What got me to purchase the package was a "FAQ" post on their forum, where Steer/Murdock explained how this program was different from (but incorporated) almost all of the classic CST protocols and drills, and put them in a context where you knew what to do when, and when to rest and when to ramp up. Forward Pressure, Be Breathed, Flow Fit I, most of the stuff from Body Flow, joint mobility,'s all in there.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:11 pm
by GoDogGo!
DrDonkeyLove wrote:
Get Ready to Uncover the Secret Bodyweight Workouts Known to Only a Chosen Few - Elite Athletes, Rock Stars, and CEO's - in the Inner Circle of World-Renowned CST Trainers Ryan Murdock and Adam Steer.
I was sort of considering purchasing this book then I saw "Secret, Rock Stars, CEO's, and World-Renowned" in the same sentence. Don't care how good it is, I'm no longer interested even if it means I'll never be elite.
Ugh. The ad copy of instant death.

What's the rationale for "longevity?" They get lots of mice doing pistols?

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:59 pm
by Abandoned by Wolves
GoDogGo wrote:
What's the rationale for "longevity?" They get lots of mice doing pistols?
I think its a strength and balance thing. Level 1 is actually a version of the 4 corner balance drill, which (IMO) every sedentary older person , esp with balance and stability issues, ought to be doing every day.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:15 pm
by Shaun B. O'Murnecan
Leg strength and balance are tightly correlated with longevity. No way would I buy this nonsense. They need to drop the price by at least 50%. And if this repackaged shit, fuck them. Sonnon just sells the same shit over and over to the same people, primarily his cult.

He seemed to be changing his ways for half a second, but he went back to his former douche bagness. When he was here letting us take our shots at him, it became obvious he had a good sense of humor and even altered some of his silliness on his blog due to comments made here.

And he gave Marco a lot of good advices for free!

Plus I can never forgive them for Rmax Powered Running. I'd just gotten over the nonsense about his Anti-HIV-magic-grappling-boots-of-strength-and-agility. ](*,)


Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:02 pm
by Shafpocalypse Now
Those anti HIV magic boots sure did have a lot of IGx purchasers

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:17 pm
by Fat Cat
I have a hard time accepting that people would be enticed by magic booties, and yet, there it is.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:26 pm
by Shafpocalypse Now
Furman bought 4 pairs because Guru Pakitka Sinskiskimimtickiekcia said that you can hold a knife in your foot for a special brand of Silat.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:29 pm
by Fat Cat
I grapple in nothing but UGS and baby oil.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:02 pm
by TomFurman
Guru Haji Pak Muhammad Ariffin Mang Ipin . Blades in the feet? Yes, amongst other tricks.
When he comes to this country, I'll have him do some bone massage on you.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:58 am
by Shaun B. O'Murnecan
Holy shit, I actually read the jibberish. It is an E-BOOK! $45?!?! How much is the fucking shipping? When I said 50% less might be fair, I thought we were discussing a fucking DVD.

$9.99 at most.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:00 pm
by Abandoned by Wolves
Norman U. Senchbau wrote:Holy shit, I actually read the jibberish. It is an E-BOOK! $45?!?! How much is the fucking shipping? When I said 50% less might be fair, I thought we were discussing a fucking DVD.

$9.99 at most.
I agree that Sonnon seems to have gone screwy again. Not coincidentally, this seems to have happened at the same time that his MMA coaching stint ended.

These two guys display none of those tendencies, though - they just talk about training and technique in a straight-forward way.

You do get about 40 minutes of video clips to download along with the e-book.

IMO, it's no more overpriced than the typical Dragondoor/Pavel product. (They were charging $29.95 for 140-150 pages of 10 page table-of-content sections, wide margins, double spaced lines of copy and 10 pages of ads for other DD products 10 years ago, remember? And $69.95 for 36 minutes of "Resilient"?)

It's a repackaging, but it's a good repackaging. I've bought a ton of RMAX stuff over the years, but this program pulled it together for me.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:42 pm
by Hebrew Hammer
I just bought it. The marketing copy is over the top, and then it's followed by a barrage of e-mails and constant invitations in the book to buy more products. I e-mailed Steer to take me off the e-mail list and he took me off quickly and was very nice about it.

The book is very interesting. I got FlowFit when Sonnon was offering it as a promo, and found it very challenging. This takes it to the level of a full-blown workout. The book is detailed, comprehensive, and (to me) unique. Looks like a great program for those starting the second fifty years of our lives.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:39 am
by Shafpocalypse Now
I can't comment.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:38 am
by Mickey O'neil
HH, how many different programs are you going to start and quit to try to lose weight before you realize it is your lack of discipline? Seriously.

Re: Bodyweight Revolution (redux)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:25 pm
by Hebrew Hammer
Mickey O'neil wrote:HH, how many different programs are you going to start and quit to try to lose weight before you realize it is your lack of discipline? Seriously.
Mick, I'm down about 15 pounds for the year. I've been doing kettlebell and bodyweight circuits for a number of years along with treadmill and air-dyne, which I can do while keeping up with daily reading. (If you're really that interested, I've kept a log here for a few years.) I want to try a different program. Chill.