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"Lift With Your Head" by Chip Conrad

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:40 am
by ab g-d
This is the book by the guy who owns Bodytribe (the "How to be a training Snob" article that was posted here.

I'll start with the third part which is a bunch of "bodytribe approved" drills. If your a long time IGXer and you know your KBs, sandbags, tires, DLs etc... you'll be familar with 90% of what's back here. I did pick up a new drill, an FCT variation that I'll be doing in my workout today. For the average globogym douche who might pick up this book it would be a revalation. Absolutely solid but nothing new if you know Pavel, Danny, Sonnon etc...

The middle is a collection of blog posts. Diet leanings are basically WFR. Some hardcore rants against anything too diety.

The first part is the interesting part. If you read the "training snob" article you have some idea of what's in here. Sort of a call to get back to movement and strength as the primary reasons to train, not vanity and insecurity. I can atest from some email communication Chip is a smart guy. Book is recommended by EliteFTS and Chip has been interviewed over there.

If you've been in this "world", like many here, for years there won't be much new. For me it was a fun quick read and will get me to check out the site blog along with Toms, CF, Rant's, Gym Jones etc...

If you have a buddy that doesn't "get" the way you train this would be a great way to intrduce the whole deal to them, both the reasons and the actual training.