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Iron Woody Gripper/Fighter'sZone

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:16 pm
by Hamper
Since Iron Woody ignored my requests for shipping info(pricks) I resorted to ebay. I purchased from Fighter's Zone Central. Responce to my email was fast, the price was the same as IW and it only took a week to recieve it.
As for the gripper itself I like it, the knurled handles are similar to the IM grippers. Definetly better to be able to increase resistence in small increments. With the IM grippers the jumps are so big and moving from the #1 to #2 was fucking hard. The only thing is it comes in a gay looking pink canvas bag.
Bottom line, fuck IronWoody and their Canuk hating ways, even though their products seem pretty good.