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Steve Maxwell's "Health And Well-Being Kettlebell Workout"

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:14 pm
by Abandoned by Wolves

I got a lot out of Maxwell's presentations on "The Boys Are Back In Town" several years ago, and I wanted to go back and play with some kettlebells to supplement the BWE emphasis of the last 6 weeks or so. Downloaded this for $15 and thought it was pretty good.

It's one of those 30 minute "general purpose" conditioning "never put the kettlebell down" routines, which is fine - my elbows and left shoulder don't do well with high repetition snatches. Has a nice general mobility warmup preceding the actual workout which would make a decent standalone routine on a recovery day.

Good selection of exercises, nice sequencing, presentation is clear and it's easy to see and hear what's going on. I watched it once, wrote down the exercises, and did them outside on the back deck with a 1 pood the next day. It left me puffing and panting and dripping sweat,and my metabolism was definitely revved up for the remainder of the day.

$15 for about 30 minutes; no hype, no Pavelisms (I actually enjoy Pavel's onscreen persona, but I don't insist on it), just a decent all purpose, easily scalable workout.

I'm happy with my purchase. YMMV.