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Six-Gun Tarot by R.S. Belcher

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:45 pm
by DrDonkeyLove
It's a western w/cowboys, a sheriff who is very hard to kill, a half-breed deputy with a secret, a kid on the run, a super ninja type chick, assorted angels including Lucifer hisself, and our father G_d who may or may not be how we usually conceive him. Oh, I forgot the gay Mormon mayor and about a dozen other intriguing folks.

It's too much to write about beyond this; Belcher has developed some very interesting characters whom he's put in a unique location that has a lot of potential for more stories. And, he's a good writer. I see sequels and prequels coming.

I saw it referenced in an airline magazine and grabbed it on a whim. There was some stuff that felt a little to feminist for my tastes but, otherwise, I'm glad I picked it up. I'm ready for the back story on this town and its residents/denizens.

More info here

Re: Six-Gun Tarot by R.S. Belcher

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:55 pm
by KingSchmaltzBagelHour
Thanks for posting. I'm going to check it out.