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Louis CK: Sincerely

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:52 pm
by Turdacious
Louis just dropped a new special (on his website for $8). Covers a lot of themes he's done for years-- words you can't say anymore, sexuality and shame, and religion-- similar to what he's done before but still finding new angles on them. Covers his scandal throughout in an somewhat apologetic but slightly defiant manner-- not even close to the apology that people are demanding. Really strong for the first 20 minutes or so but then it slowed down a bit. Made me wish he'd been able to continue to work on the bits that got burned when someone released them online a few months back.

To put it in perspective-- not as good as Chapelle's most recent special, but probably better than Bill Burr's. I'll watch it again.

Re: Louis CK: Sincerely

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:34 am
by JimZipCode
Thanks for the review, been idly wondering about maybe buying it. I've bought things from him in the past.

Turdacious wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:52 pmCovers his scandal throughout in an somewhat apologetic but slightly defiant manner-- not even close to the apology that people are demanding.
I think that's fucked up. He's the only one of these guys that actually made an apology! After the NYT thing came out, he didn't obfuscate or anything. His statement was all "These reports are true" etc. I never understood any of the criticism of his apology (and there was a ton). Also his offense did not exactly rise to Cosby/Epstein levels of transgression, either.

I mean, I'm fine with people who want to wash their hands of him etc. But the notion that his apology was also wrong, that's a little too much.

I'm kind of intrigued by how he's insisting on continuing to have a career. His direct-release model is tailor made for doing it, too. He doesn't need Netflix or HBO to offer him a platform; he just needs enough of his audience to continue to find him. Will be interesting to see how well it works for him.

I'm pulling for him. To me, the revelation of his #MeToo offenses added a layer of intrigue to him as a personality; like how did you get from there to the work you were doing ten and fifteen years later? Which has led to some arguments at my house.