So that convention...

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Re: So that convention...

Post by DrDonkeyLove »

Terry B. wrote:
BucketHead wrote:
- In a free society, the primary role of government is to protect the God-given...
- The Republican Party, born in opposition to the denial of liberty, stands for the rights of individuals, families, faith communities...
- That assurance has never been more needed than it is today, as liberal elites try to drive religious beliefs – and religious believers – out of the public square. The Founders of the American Republic universally agree that democracy presupposes a moral people and that, in the words of George Washington’s Farewell Address, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”
- We support the public display of the Ten Commandments as a reflection of our history and of our country’s Judeo-Christian heritage
- We assert every citizen’s right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious symbols, or submitting to government-imposed hiring practices.
- We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.
- We acknowledge, support, and defend the law-abiding citizen’s God-given right of self-defense.
- We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.
- We condemn decisions by activist judges to deny children the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety, including “Under God,” in public schools and encourage States to promote the pledge.
- We support the prohibition of gambling over the Internet
- Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced
- We renew our call for replacing “family planning” programs for teens with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior.
- We call on State officials to ensure that our public colleges and universities be places of learning and the exchange of ideas, not zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left.
I don't get this.

The people who are going to get hard, or at least attempt to, over the above list would never, ever, ever, ever vote for Obama. 35-45% of the country wouldn't vote for him if God told them to directly.

Outside of the insane religious right, I don't see how anybody could support a single item on the list in any form.

Why alienate people who are looking for anybody to vote for other than Obama? Is this some Illuminati plot to put another Bush in the White House in 2016? Does the GOP get so much cash by talking such garbage that it is good enough for them?
Some of those points are important to individual freedom. Some are important to religious freedom - which is also an individual freedom.

Some of the points are utterly opposed to individual freedom. Neither party is committed to individual freedom, so it's not surprising.

Since when have party platforms mattered anyway? We have a system with wonderful separations of powers that can be quickly altered (see 2006, 2008 & 2010).

Romney's life has consistently shown brains, competence, and moderation. Four more years of Obama will not lead to anyplace good. In fact, if the CBO (or is it OMB) projections for worse unemployment come true, it's essentially guaranteed that the future will be worse. I'll risk the bet on Romney and the Repugs for two years. If another change is necessary the House will switch in 2014.
Mao wrote:Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party

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Re: So that convention...

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

Turdacious wrote:
Blaidd Drwg wrote:The fact major parties is still publicly fellating anti-intellectualism under the guise of piety is reason numero uno they currently suck shit. It's a shame.
Anti-intellectualism is what has kept this country great, and kept us from jumping on the bandwagon of silly and dangerous fads.

I knew you would eventually say something marvelously retarded. No rebuttal is better than looking at this alongside your own sig line.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by Gene »

Blaidd Drwg wrote:The fact major parties is still publicly fellating anti-intellectualism under the guise of piety is reason numero uno they currently suck shit. It's a shame.
Sure it's not because these parties are substituting various sorts of "anti-intellectualism" for a brand of Dogma that calls itself both "scientific" and "rational" but is based mostly upon arguments from authority and popularity?

Jefferson was a Deist. That's not being Atheistic but it's not Christian either.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by CharlieBob »

BucketHead wrote:
- In a free society, the primary role of government is to protect the God-given...
- The Republican Party, born in opposition to the denial of liberty, stands for the rights of individuals, families, faith communities...
- That assurance has never been more needed than it is today, as liberal elites try to drive religious beliefs – and religious believers – out of the public square. The Founders of the American Republic universally agree that democracy presupposes a moral people and that, in the words of George Washington’s Farewell Address, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”
- We support the public display of the Ten Commandments as a reflection of our history and of our country’s Judeo-Christian heritage
- We assert every citizen’s right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious symbols, or submitting to government-imposed hiring practices.
- We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.
- We acknowledge, support, and defend the law-abiding citizen’s God-given right of self-defense.
- We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.
- We condemn decisions by activist judges to deny children the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety, including “Under God,” in public schools and encourage States to promote the pledge.
- We support the prohibition of gambling over the Internet
- Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced
- We renew our call for replacing “family planning” programs for teens with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior.
- We call on State officials to ensure that our public colleges and universities be places of learning and the exchange of ideas, not zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left.
Did I miss something or does the bolded line above seem like something you would read in the Onion? Am I living under a rock and have just totally missed the violent, hate campaigns against traditional marriage? I thought it was the gays that were having their weddings crashed by sign wielding bigots? And federal investigations??? WTF are they talking about?!?!
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Re: So that convention...

Post by FRKCTL »

johno wrote:
FRKCTL wrote: nope. british common law, which predates the christianization of the british isles by a couple of hundred years, is the fundamental model for our form of jurisprudence.
Yep. All Men are Equal before God -> All Men are Equal before the Law.

Common Law, with its emphasis on precedent, means little if it doesn't start with the premise that men are equal before the law and that government exists to serve its citizens.

Yes, the Enlightenment was another great influence on the American Revolution. It's not either/or.
“…the common law existed while the Anglo-Saxons were yet pagans, at a time when they had never yet heard the name of Christ pronounced or knew that such a character existed.”

“Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law.”

“For we know that the common law is that system of law which was introduced by the Saxons on their settlement of England, and altered from time to time by proper legislative authority from that time to the date of the Magna Charta, which terminates the period of the common law… This settlement took place about the middle of the fifth century. But Christianity was not introduced till the seventh century; the conversion of the first Christian king of the Heptarchy having taken place about the year 598, and that of the last about 686. Here then, was a space of two hundred years, during which the common law was in existence, and Christianity no part of it… That system of religion could not be a part of the common law, because they were not yet Christians.”
~ t. jefferson

the u.s. constitution defaults to common law, not christianity, when interpreting, say, the establishment and free exercise clauses of the 1st amendment.

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Re: So that convention...

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

FRKCTL wrote:
johno wrote:
FRKCTL wrote: nope. british common law, which predates the christianization of the british isles by a couple of hundred years, is the fundamental model for our form of jurisprudence.
Yep. All Men are Equal before God -> All Men are Equal before the Law.

Common Law, with its emphasis on precedent, means little if it doesn't start with the premise that men are equal before the law and that government exists to serve its citizens.

Yes, the Enlightenment was another great influence on the American Revolution. It's not either/or.
“…the common law existed while the Anglo-Saxons were yet pagans, at a time when they had never yet heard the name of Christ pronounced or knew that such a character existed.”

“Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law.”

“For we know that the common law is that system of law which was introduced by the Saxons on their settlement of England, and altered from time to time by proper legislative authority from that time to the date of the Magna Charta, which terminates the period of the common law… This settlement took place about the middle of the fifth century. But Christianity was not introduced till the seventh century; the conversion of the first Christian king of the Heptarchy having taken place about the year 598, and that of the last about 686. Here then, was a space of two hundred years, during which the common law was in existence, and Christianity no part of it… That system of religion could not be a part of the common law, because they were not yet Christians.”
~ t. jefferson

the u.s. constitution defaults to common law, not christianity, when interpreting, say, the establishment and free exercise clauses of the 1st amendment.

FRK...your "intellectualizing" has weakened America. Turd woudl rather you stick to what makes the US great, burning through our natural resources, measuring all value in USD and keeping our heads firmly planted up our Xtian asses.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by DrDonkeyLove »

CharlieBob wrote:
BucketHead wrote:
- In a free society, the primary role of government is to protect the God-given...
- The Republican Party, born in opposition to the denial of liberty, stands for the rights of individuals, families, faith communities...
- That assurance has never been more needed than it is today, as liberal elites try to drive religious beliefs – and religious believers – out of the public square. The Founders of the American Republic universally agree that democracy presupposes a moral people and that, in the words of George Washington’s Farewell Address, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”
- We support the public display of the Ten Commandments as a reflection of our history and of our country’s Judeo-Christian heritage
- We assert every citizen’s right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious symbols, or submitting to government-imposed hiring practices.
- We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.
- We acknowledge, support, and defend the law-abiding citizen’s God-given right of self-defense.
- We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life.
- We condemn decisions by activist judges to deny children the opportunity to say the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety, including “Under God,” in public schools and encourage States to promote the pledge.
- We support the prohibition of gambling over the Internet
- Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced
- We renew our call for replacing “family planning” programs for teens with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior.
- We call on State officials to ensure that our public colleges and universities be places of learning and the exchange of ideas, not zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left.
Did I miss something or does the bolded line above seem like something you would read in the Onion? Am I living under a rock and have just totally missed the violent, hate campaigns against traditional marriage? I thought it was the gays that were having their weddings crashed by sign wielding bigots? And federal investigations??? WTF are they talking about?!?!
From the very conservative New York Times
A Virginia man charged with shooting a security guard at the headquarters of a prominent conservative organization told the guard “words to the effect of ‘I don’t like your politics,’ ” according to an affidavit filed in the case on Thursday.
Like everyone else in ultra polarized America, hard right Christians feel aggrieved. So, they make themselves feel better by writing stupid bullshit in a party platform.

David Axelrod and David Plouffe would be very happy with you because they have you distracted from issue #1, which is that Obama has been a very poor executive when it comes to the economy. In 2009 when the world economy was melting, he let Nancy Pelosi's crew come up with a cockeyed healthcare scheme that increased economic uncertainty. His stimulus went almost exclusively to gov't...Solyndra cronyism....oil drilling permits denied...Key Stone Excel Pipeline opposition...opposition to clean coal technology...not attending meetings with his jobs council...submitting a budget that got ZERO votes from Repugs or Dumbos...and on and on and on. His Keynesian ways didn't work this time and his only mantra is to squeeze inconsequential dollars from the "rich" that doesn't mean shit to the big picture. He must go and Romney/Ryan must be given a chance. Because they are good people with the right answers? No, because doing the same thing is guaranteed to fail.

Also, Gay marriage is on an unstoppable roll. If that is your most important issue, rest easy. There will still be a place for you as an usher at Troy's nuptials with the two grooms atop the cake.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by Gene »

Republican Dirty Tricks....

1. One of the Delegates opposed to Rule #16, Morton Blackwell, who was being bussed to the convention, was held in the bus while it circled the building "Three times" while the driver "looked for a parking spot". He missed the vote against Rule #16 as a result.

2. Boehner reads the results of a voice vote from a teleprompter on Rule #16. One person obtained the teleprompter screen shot on their cell phone. Looks like Obama isn't the only one who plays with teleprompters. ... Id=7673872
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Re: So that convention...

Post by Testiclaw »

Gene wrote:was held in the bus while it circled the building "Three times" while the driver "looked for a parking spot". He missed the vote against Rule #16 as a result
I am shocked, SHOCKED, that Republicans aren't interested in making sure everyone's vote is counted during a democratic process, and will resort to underhanded tricks to ensure voter suppression.

This is so uncharacteristic for them.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by FRKCTL »

meanwhile, TX republican party platform ... the-union/
We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

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Re: So that convention...

Post by milosz »

In 2009 when the world economy was melting, he let Nancy Pelosi's crew come up with a cockeyed healthcare scheme that increased economic uncertainty.
The Newspeak in this sentence is masterful.

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Re: So that convention...

Post by Chessman »

BucketHead wrote:I pulled it verbatim from the GOP official platform that I linked earlier
No you didn't. Did anyone even bother to look? Here's the REAL GOP platform from the link you provided:
Job Creation: Getting Americans Back to Work
Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Tax Relief to Grow the Economy and Create Jobs
American Competitiveness in a Global Economy
Fundamental Tax Principles
Reining in Out-of-Control Spending, Balancing the Budget, and Ensuring Sound Monetary Policy
Balancing the Budget
Inflation and the Federal Reserve
Ending the Housing Crisis and Expanding Opportunities for Homeownership
Rebuilding Homeownership
Infrastructure: Building the Future
More American Jobs, Higher Wages, and A Better Standard of Living
A Twenty-First Century Workforce
Freedom in the Workplace
A Restoration of Constitutional Order: Congress and the Executive
Defending Marriage Against An Activist Judiciary
A Sacred Contract: Defense of Marriage
Living Within Our Means: A Constitutional Budget
Federalism and The Tenth Amendment
The Continuing Importance of Protecting the Electoral College
Voter Integrity to Ensure Honest Elections
The First Amendment: The Foresight of Our Founders to Protect Religious Freedom
The First Amendment: Speech that is Protected
The Second Amendment: Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms
The Fourth Amendment: Liberty and Privacy
The Fifth Amendment: Protecting Private Property
The Ninth Amendment: Affirming the People’s Rights
The Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life
Respect for Our Flag: Symbol of the Constitution
American Sovereignty in U.S. Courts
Domestic Energy Independence: An “All of the Above” Energy Policy
Our Nation’s Energy Abundance
Pulling the Plug on American Energy Independence: The Failure of the Current Administration
Protecting Our Environment
Our Republican Party’s Commitment to Conservation
Private Stewardship of the Environment
Reining in the EPA
Saving Medicare for Future Generations
Strengthening Medicaid in the States
Security For Those Who Need It: Ensuring Retirement Security
Regulatory Reform: The Key to Economic Growth
Protecting Internet Freedom
A Vision for the Twenty-First Century: Technology, Telecommunications and the Internet
Protecting the Taxpayers: No More “Too Big to Fail”
Judicial Activism: A Threat to the U.S. Constitution
Restructuring the U.S. Postal Service for the Twenty-First Century
Protecting Travelers and their Rights: Reforming the TSA for Security and Privacy
The Rule of Law: Legal Immigration
Honoring Our Relationship with American Indians
Preserving the District of Columbia
Modernizing the Federal Civil Service
America’s Future in Space: Continuing this Quest
Honoring and Supporting Americans in the Territories
Preserving and Protecting Traditional Marriage
Creating a Culture of Hope: Raising Families Beyond Poverty
Adoption and Foster Care
Making the Internet Family-Friendly
Advancing Americans with Disabilities
Repealing Obamacare
Our Prescription for American Healthcare: Improve Quality and Lower Costs
Ensuring Consumer Choice in Healthcare
Supporting Federal Healthcare Research and Development
Protecting Individual Conscience in Healthcare
Reforming the FDA
Reducing Costs through Tort Reform
Education: A Chance for Every Child
Attaining Academic Excellence for All
Consumer Choice in Education
Improving Our Nation’s Classrooms
Addressing Rising College Costs
Justice for All: Safe Neighborhoods and Prison Reform
The Current Administration’s Failure: Leading From Behind
The Dangers of A Hollow Force: The Looming Sequestration
Leaks for Political Purposes
A Failed National Security Strategy
Conventional Forces in Decline
Nuclear Forces and Missile Defense Imperiled
A Twenty-First Century Threat: The Cybersecurity Danger
An America That Leads: The Republican National Security Strategy for the Future
Supporting our Troops, Standing By Our Heroes
Recognizing and Supporting Military Families
Honoring and Supporting Our Veterans: A Sacred Obligation
Sovereign American Leadership in International Organizations
Protecting Human Rights
America’s Generosity: International Assistance that Makes a Difference
Combating Human Trafficking
Promoting a Free Marketplace of Ideas: Public Diplomacy
Strengthening Ties in the Americas
Advancing Hope and Prosperity in Africa
U.S. Leadership in the Asian-Pacific Community
South Asia
Our Unequivocal Support of Israel
The Challenges of a Changing Middle East
The other list that Buckethead doctored up makes it seem like the Taliban want to take over. No mention whatsoever was made of economic, judicial, or other political matters.

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Re: So that convention...

Post by kreator »

It wasn't doctored at all. You might say it was taken out of context...except uhh, adding in context still doesn't make it any better.

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Re: So that convention...

Post by Protobuilder »

DrDonkeyLove wrote:David Axelrod and David Plouffe would be very happy with you because they have you distracted from issue #1, which is that Obama has been a very poor executive when it comes to the economy. In 2009 when the world economy was melting, he let Nancy Pelosi's crew come up with a cockeyed healthcare scheme that increased economic uncertainty. His stimulus went almost exclusively to gov't...Solyndra cronyism....oil drilling permits denied...Key Stone Excel Pipeline opposition...opposition to clean coal technology...not attending meetings with his jobs council...submitting a budget that got ZERO votes from Repugs or Dumbos...and on and on and on. His Keynesian ways didn't work this time and his only mantra is to squeeze inconsequential dollars from the "rich" that doesn't mean shit to the big picture. He must go and Romney/Ryan must be given a chance. Because they are good people with the right answers? No, because doing the same thing is guaranteed to fail.
I am with you through most of that though what makes anybody think that Romney would roll into town and make the world a better place?

GWB taught us that Clinton was fantastic.
Obama has taught us that GWB wasn't as bad as we thought.
Romney holds the potential to make us long for Obama.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by Testiclaw »

Obama has taught us that GWB wasn't as bad as we thought.
The fuck?

The two aren't even comparable. The Bush administration fucked this country over ROYALLY.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by DrDonkeyLove »

Terry B. wrote:
DrDonkeyLove wrote:David Axelrod and David Plouffe would be very happy with you because they have you distracted from issue #1, which is that Obama has been a very poor executive when it comes to the economy. In 2009 when the world economy was melting, he let Nancy Pelosi's crew come up with a cockeyed healthcare scheme that increased economic uncertainty. His stimulus went almost exclusively to gov't...Solyndra cronyism....oil drilling permits denied...Key Stone Excel Pipeline opposition...opposition to clean coal technology...not attending meetings with his jobs council...submitting a budget that got ZERO votes from Repugs or Dumbos...and on and on and on. His Keynesian ways didn't work this time and his only mantra is to squeeze inconsequential dollars from the "rich" that doesn't mean shit to the big picture. He must go and Romney/Ryan must be given a chance. Because they are good people with the right answers? No, because doing the same thing is guaranteed to fail.
I am with you through most of that though what makes anybody think that Romney would roll into town and make the world a better place?

GWB taught us that Clinton was fantastic.
Obama has taught us that GWB wasn't as bad as we thought.
Romney holds the potential to make us long for Obama.
I agree. I never would have thought that Bush2 and Obama would be tied for worst with Carter IMO. I'm willing to take the chance on Romney because he has a lifetime of accomplishments that mostly worked out well, and from what I'm learning he's never been a rabid ideologue in his actions. I feel certain that Obama will be a disaster and have a gut feel that Romney won't, so the scales tip to the Repugs, but I kind of hope the Dumbos keep the Senate.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by johno »

FRKCTL wrote: the u.s. constitution defaults to common law, not christianity, when interpreting, say, the establishment and free exercise clauses of the 1st amendment.
I never said the Constitution defers to Christianity, but that Christian thought strongly influenced it. The Constitution defines the rights that the Declaration says are given by the "Creator."
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Re: So that convention...

Post by FRKCTL »

johno wrote:
FRKCTL wrote: the u.s. constitution defaults to common law, not christianity, when interpreting, say, the establishment and free exercise clauses of the 1st amendment.
I never said the Constitution defers to Christianity, but that Christian thought strongly influenced it. The Constitution defines the rights that the Declaration says are given by the "Creator."
the declaration has no force of law. it was a letter to king george. where in the constitution are there any christian ideas specifically referenced as such?

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Re: So that convention...

Post by Testiclaw »

johno wrote:by the "Creator."
Textual criticism would be a good thing for you to read up on sometime.

Creator was chosen, instead of God (the word and idea of God, namely a Judea-Christian God, existed even back then, you know...), specifically because the term Creator was inherently non-specific in terms of deities or belief systems.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by Turdacious »

Testiclaw wrote:
johno wrote:by the "Creator."
Textual criticism would be a good thing for you to read up on sometime.

Creator was chosen, instead of God (the word and idea of God, namely a Judea-Christian God, existed even back then, you know...), specifically because the term Creator was inherently non-specific in terms of deities or belief systems.
Given that over 90% of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were religious, and Christian, the meaning was understood.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by Testiclaw »

You're a fucking retard.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by buckethead »

Chesser. Really, pal, either read or don't respond. I said i liked the economic plank, in general. i pulled some things from the social plank that bothered me. They were verbatim.

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Re: So that convention...

Post by Turdacious »

Testiclaw wrote:Image
"Liberalism is arbitrarily selective in its choice of whose dignity to champion." Adrian Vermeule

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Re: So that convention...

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

Turdacious wrote:
Given that over 90% of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were religious, and Christian, the meaning was understood.
All the more important, in that case that they chose another word. Legislative intent and all that.

But of course, this isn't important becuase you're just idly intellectualizing, with the rest of America's enemies.
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Re: So that convention...

Post by Yes, I'm drunk »

When I was growing up, the US used to be a proud nation. It did the things we all dreamed of doing, and it did them better than anyone else.

It beat, ostensibly, the Soviet Union, and did so with the minimal of bloodshed. It put men on the moon, if you believe it happened, which it almost certainly didn't, but it faked it first, which is a victory of sorts.

It gave the decent, hard working Christian whites of the world an ideal, an ideal still held in many parts of the world today. This is good.

But come November, the nation shall go to the polls. And it shall choose. And it shall choose between, on the one hand, a nigger, and on the other, a Mormon.

How, I ask you, did it ever come to this?

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