Really tired of the nigger talk...

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Bram »

DARTH wrote:Jerk and asshole don't cut it, too broad and all of us can be jerks and assholes.
I get that you make a distinction, well sometimes I get that you do. Most of the time it's thrown around pretty easily here.

And I wouldn't say it broadens this website as much as shrinks it.

You go around shouting words that bother other people, in a lot of cases you're going to drive people off. I wonder if we would have more black people, women, etc. here without the hate speech -- I would have to assume that to be the case.

As for the study I linked to, thanks for the refutation article Turdacious. The empathy one was interesting as well.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Kenny X »

DARTH wrote:
Ed Zachary wrote:LOL

It's amazing how much hate I lost once I didn't have to deal with people at their worst every fucking day.
God, I bet with your old job that had to be enraging!

I quit delivering pizzas on the side because I was hating up a storm because of them and it was better money than you might expect and easy as Hell. Drive around, crank tunes ect.

But I and my buddy John Browning on my hip was also in condition 1 in case of robbery and I got so sick of those types wanting change for a $20 on a &19.75 order (of coarse no tip) all the time, even the ones who lived in under a mile from the shop. (Yeah against the company rules but I was not going to be at a disadvantage because the Noid said so.)

I've had young ones about to give me at least a dollar and you'd hear some sheboon yel to them from the back " Don't give him a tip."

My last night was epic, I was a total dick to them. I made up little bags with Raman noodles and ketchup packs and gave it to the stiffers. " Here this is what poor people should eat." They were LTHAO back at the shop when they;d call and complain. " Well sir, Heywood quit just now.". That's what I put on my nametag, for Haywood Ja Blow Me?

Interesting tangent!! ... When im too lazy to drive to Scooch's I order my pizzas delivered from Doninos. I get the same driver every time. Lets refer to him as- Polite Friendly Black Pizza Guy.

The dude on the phone always says my pizza will arrive "In 45 minutes."

And I'll be damned if Polite Friendly Black Pizza Guy doesn't ring my doorbell 20 minutes after I hang up the phone.

Poor guy is afraid of my dog. He can hear her blow up, barking and growling from outside, so he waits out on the side walk for me to come out.

He is without fail polite, friendly, articulate, and I ALWAYS tip him seven bucks.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by DARTH »

^ Good man. BTW the most honest guy I knew at Dom-in-hoe's was a black guy who actually claimed exactly wha he made in tips every night. No one and I mean no one did that. The standard was " I made $10." and that was that, but buddy said that God would know if he lied.

Great guy!

No back to it!

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Kenny X »

DARTH wrote:^ Good man. BTW the most honest guy I knew at Dom-in-hoe's was a black guy who actually claimed exactly wha he made in tips every night. No one and I mean no one did that. The standard was " I made $10." and that was that, but buddy said that God would know if he lied.

Great guy!

No back to it!
Ah Quentin Tarantino. Inward wondering when he was gonna crop up. I think Chris Rock said That Word more times in his famous bit than Quentin did in that diatribe, but god damn did Tarantino take a lot of flack for that...

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by DARTH »

Dr. Agkistrodon wrote:
DARTH wrote:^ Good man. BTW the most honest guy I knew at Dom-in-hoe's was a black guy who actually claimed exactly wha he made in tips every night. No one and I mean no one did that. The standard was " I made $10." and that was that, but buddy said that God would know if he lied.

Great guy!

No back to it!
Ah Quentin Tarantino. Inward wondering when he was gonna crop up. I think Chris Rock said That Word more times in his famous bit than Quentin did in that diatribe, but god damn did Tarantino take a lot of flack for that...
But as far as I could remember at this time, the word seemed to be at it's lowest power in my lifetime. I mean EVERYONE laughed at this shit, everyone was runing around using "My nigga" as a term of endearment.

A bit after the LA Riots and before OJ got off, it seemed shit was pretty straight.

I'm sure that's just my perception, but I just did not seem to feel much shit either way.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Kazuya Mishima »

The brutal reality is that 99% of the people on this earth can go eat shit and die for all I care. I am one misanthropic motherfucker, and hold the vast majority of humanity in utter disdain. There's a popular self-help fantasy that's been propagated for years. Namely, you have to be a people person in order to be successful. Hell, I'm doing very well for myself and I'll be the first one to admit it...I fucking hate people.

As to all this moralizing about my favorite pastime...get over yourselves. I spent many of my younger years going down that well worn path of cultural sensitivity and beating myself up over my "white privilege". All it got me was tears and frustration as virtually every black person around me would eventually live up to the timeless stereotypes and social myths that I had grown so tired of hearing from my parents and their "backward" generation.

Time and experience are harsh taskmasters. Want to draw your own conclusions about the African-American community in this country? Fine...drop your labels and Hallmark Christmas Special engrained expectations of other people...just shut your mouth and watch...if you find it all tolerable and acceptable then I would accuse you of setting the bar too low for yourselves and number you among the millions of Facebook entranced frauds who are every day creating the loser culture that is dragging this nation down the shitter.

It would all be nice and so much fairer if we could stop aggregating ourselves according to relative melanin content in the epidermis, but unfortunately this is how we as social animals divvy ourselves up for the most part. If you are not aligned with the understanding that you play for the team with the white jerseys then I would accuse you of having not spent much time around the black brethren as they are assuredly the first ones to put you on the aforementioned roster. And, if skin tone were all that were on display then I am intelligent and enlightened enough to look past these trivialities, but the unfortunate truth is that their burr headed collective consciousness is a veritable roach motel for the absolute worst memes and cultural phenomena that the human race has yet to produce.

LMFAO at all this faux moralistic grandstanding over my use of the word nigger. How dare I be offended by these jaundice eyed cretins and their bastard children being raised in a cultural matrix that loves cars and hates women. They wipe their monkey asses with the middle class family values that helped build this country to global prominence in the post-WW2 generation, and swell our schools to the bursting with their violent, entitled, illiterate, and boorish git. They suck the state and federal teat for generation upon generation with nary a law or regulation to put a stop to any of it, and yet some of you hand wringing metropolitan types would probably side with our Euro-swine cousins in outlawing my use of the word nigger as some sort of heinous hate speech that should fetch the attention of the policeman's truncheon, the judge's gavel, and the hangman's noose.

It matters not one wit to me whether Seahill posts here or not. Seems like a nice enough fellow, but probably frustrated over the cognitive dissonance associated with a card carrying nigger hater like myself producing more entertaining prose at the drop of a hat.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by DARTH »

You should really write a book.

It will be one of those books that most people would claim they would never read in a million years yet a good number would have it in their hiding spot with their Hustlers. Swinger's Quarterly, The strap on dildo, butt plug and their weed and squirreled away Oxycotins.

"God forbid we tell the savages to go fuck themselves." Batboy

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

syaigh wrote:PS.

I don't doubt that some of you have reason to use the words you use. Most of the people I hear using the N word really have no reason other than being arrogant little pricks or sheltered Yankees who will call a man an n-word for beating his wife, but won't stop his own brother from doing the same.

Get back in the Kitchen.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Crust Bucket »

DARTH wrote:You should really write a book.
I second that... Shit I'd buy three.
syaigh wrote: The thought of eating that giant veiny monstrosity makes me want to barf.
You're an ASS!

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by cleaner464 »

Tim has a lot more to lose than most of us on this site if he is seen giving even tacit approval to the shit we post here.

Cut him some slack.

I guarantee that I have a right to have a bigger beef with black folks than any of you guys posting about the fast food outrages that seem to stick in everyone's craw here on good ole' IGx. If you wish to see the scars I bear from the undeclared race wars of the 70's, give me a heads up the next time you pop into NYC and I will show them to you. My mutilated left hand alone should provide you with more than enough hate ammo.

However, I still don't feel the need to call a spade a spade. It's a waste of time.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Thud »

cleaner464 wrote:If you wish to see the scars I bear from the undeclared race wars of the 70's, give me a heads up the next time you pop into NYC and I will show them to you. My mutilated left hand alone should provide you with more than enough hate ammo.
Sounds like a good story. wha' happen?...

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by cleaner464 »

My mom sent me to the store and I was jumped/mugged by three of our black brothers. This occurred before I had attained my full size, strength and knowledge of the weaknesses of the human body. I was 10 years old at the time.

I did my best(ha ha!), but one the delightful fellows managed to cut my hand in half with a straight razor, then stomped on it as one of his buddies beat me into unconsciousness with a set of nunchaku(remember, this was the 70's. Fuck you Bruce Lee!). Many, many older members of the black community walked on by as I begged for help.

Eventually, a hippy white dude revived me and called for an ambulance on a pay phone(they appear to have since been wiped out by a meteor). WTF he was doing in that neighborhood is beyond me, but I was very lucky that he was there. I'd probably still be laying in the gutter if he hadn't come along.

I think that I had a $5.50 on me at the time. They made out like bandits.

Since we didn't have medical insurance, the doctors in the emergency room did a half-assed job at putting my hand back together. They just wanted me out the door. Post-recovery, all the tendons were either too short, or not attached properly and the damned thing was fucked. I have a really evil looking scar on top of it.

In some of the pictures where I'm deadlifting, you can see my left index and middle finger kind of "popped" out. I held on to them with my thumb, ring finger and pinky. That's why I learned to love the hook grip.

I imagine that the gentlemen who gave me that crash course in race relations are either dead from HIV or in prison. That belief is why I don't waste time with the nigger stuff. Plus, I don't want to carry all that hate.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by DikTracy6000 »

cleaner464 wrote:My mom sent me to the store and I was jumped/mugged by three of our black brothers. This occurred before I had attained my full size, strength and knowledge of the weaknesses of the human body. I was 10 years old at the time.

I did my best(ha ha!), but one the delightful fellows managed to cut my hand in half with a straight razor, then stomped on it as one of his buddies beat me into unconsciousness with a set of nunchaku(remember, this was the 70's. Fuck you Bruce Lee!). Many, many older members of the black community walked on by as I begged for help.

Eventually, a hippy white dude revived me and called for an ambulance on a pay phone(they appear to have since been wiped out by a meteor). WTF he was doing in that neighborhood is beyond me, but I was very lucky that he was there. I'd probably still be laying in the gutter if he hadn't come along.

I think that I had a $5.50 on me at the time. They made out like bandits.

Since we didn't have medical insurance, the doctors in the emergency room did a half-assed job at putting my hand back together. They just wanted me out the door. Post-recovery, all the tendons were either too short, or not attached properly and the damned thing was fucked. I have a really evil looking scar on top of it.

In some of the pictures where I'm deadlifting, you can see my left index and middle finger kind of "popped" out. I held on to them with my thumb, ring finger and pinky. That's why I learned to love the hook grip.

I imagine that the gentlemen who gave me that crash course in race relations are either dead from HIV or in prison. That belief is why I don't waste time with the nigger stuff. Plus, I don't want to carry all that hate.
Great attitude! Served you well.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Sassenach »

The subtext of all the wordy pro n word posts is thus: racism is easy and it feels good to be superior.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by DARTH »

No, No, No. Black people are people. Equal at the starting line. Known many smarter than myself, and many not so, but Black people are fine. I don't feel superior to them at all. Too many great friends and great moments to ever feel that towards them.

Same with all "Races" ( Now there is actually the stupid word as we are all the human race but people really get pissy about calling them breeds.)

Niggers are inferior and should be taught their place, even if the lesson kills them. Same with white trash Cracker scum, La Raza Cholo fucks and Backwards assed goat fucking Jawas.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Dunn »

Jezzy Bell wrote:The subtext of all the wordy pro n word posts is thus: racism is easy and it feels good to be superior.

I am superior because I am more intelligent than the majority of people in this fuckhole I call my city of residence and employ. Thus far the racial tally of stupidity seems about equal and really only varies by what part of town I am in at the moment.

And that is coming from one of the more degenerate breeds of white folk, Irish gypsy mixed with Southern redneck.


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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Ronald RayGun »

I'm just happy that, somehow, my pic is now visible!
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Kazuya Mishima »

Jezzy Bell wrote:The subtext of all the wordy pro n word posts is thus: racism is easy and it feels good to be superior.
No, my superiority is real, and it was born of many long hours sitting in classrooms, libraries, and offices. Then there's my physical superiority...that was bought and paid for with much time under the iron and out on the mats.

Thanks for playing, though.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Ronald RayGun »

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

There is a parasitic sub culture with a misplaced sense of entitlement in this country. They would dismantle America for firewood while the rest of us debate the "N-Word".

It makes one think, perhaps America deserves everything it has coming.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Holland Oates »

I love the "you must be stupid if you say nigger" bullshit. Bitch please.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by DrDonkeyLove »

Blaidd Drwg wrote:There is a parasitic sub culture with a misplaced sense of entitlement in this country. They would dismantle America for firewood while the rest of us debate the "N-Word".

It makes one think, perhaps America deserves everything it has coming.
I'm unsure if you mean the bottom breeders living off the system or the crony kleptocracy at the top of Wall St. & K St., and their political lapdogs, or both.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Holland Oates »

DrDonkeyLove wrote:
I'm unsure if you mean the bottom breeders living off the system or the crony kleptocracy at the top of Wall St. & K St., and their political lapdogs, or both.

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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Blaidd Drwg »

I wouldn't limit it to just those two.
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Re: Really tired of the nigger talk...

Post by Batboy2/75 »

Blaidd Drwg wrote:There is a parasitic sub culture with a misplaced sense of entitlement in this country. They would dismantle America for firewood while the rest of us debate the "N-Word".

It makes one think, perhaps America deserves everything it has coming.

A parasitic subculture fed by hand wringing white yuppies.

Forget my opposition to all state welfare programs for moment and let's look at one of the oldest Federal Hand outs; food stamps.

Back in the old days, food stamps were just that; stamps. Monopoly colored money that poor prople could buy basic staples with. Got the job done and came with enough social shame that at least some people wanted off them.

Then sometime in the 1990s (just a guess. It could have been in the 2000s) the hand wringing faggot liberals decided that this arrangement was too cruel. Bubba and Tamyrae or Tyrel and Teniqua (take your pick) we're to embarrassed buying; rice, beans,cheese and milk at the local Piggly Wiggly with Monoply Money. No, we had to give them Debt Cards. This way they could pretend to they were just like the hard working normal folks that actually earned the money they spent on food. No need to feel ashamed, Uncle Sugar said so.

Then that wasn't enough. Why limit those EBT Cards to just staples. Even generously defined staples. No, we need to let the only obese poor people (as a group) on the planet buy racks of Coca Cola and hot pockets. Things have gotten so out of hand, that a couple of years ago EBT cards were being used at local CA Indian Casinos.

This goes for every BS social programs we are currently operating. It's a scam with no checks and or balances. They are scams to be milked until they run out. When the teat runs dry, the welfare state charges will riot for more, Jesse "mush mouth" Jackson will take to airwaves, and the white liberals will wring their hands.

We have a problem in the county with two groups of people. Moochers and Thieves. The thieves being the hand wringing liberal white faggots.

If I was king for a day, 80% of Blacks would be deported , followed by 50% of the Hispanics, followed by 25% of whites and lastly about 10% of Asians.

The defining characteristic of all those to be deported is CULTURE, not race. Blacks, for what ever reason, have chosen a culture that has absolutely no redeeming qualities.
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