... 53f53a964eA veteran pilot who helped to sink the Bismarck during the Second World War has died at the age of 97. Lt Cdr John "Jock" Moffat was credited with launching the torpedo that crippled the German warship in 1941. The death of the Scottish veteran has been announced by the Royal Navy [...] With his crew of observer Sub Lt ‘Dusty’ Miller, and telegraphist/air gunner Albert Hayman, a 21-year-old Jock Moffat took off in Swordfish L9726 from the deck of Ark Royal and made for Bismarck, fighting against driving rain, low cloud and a Force 9 gale [...] “The great thing about the Swordfish was that the bullets just went straight through. After all, it was only made of canvas.”
RIP Luke Skywalker (the real one)
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RIP Luke Skywalker (the real one)
"Liberalism is arbitrarily selective in its choice of whose dignity to champion." Adrian Vermeule