Scott Sonnon - Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD

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Scott Sonnon - Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD

Post by newguy »

Recently received Sonnon's Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD.

First of all, where FlowFit has an intro and then several flows that move from very basic to very advanced, the Prasara A series do not.

What you get is a disc that has the A series flows and then a step by step instruction on how to transition from each asana? pose? to the next. And that is it. There is no introduction, not program thoughts (do each series for 14 minutes? how many times a week? etc.) Cannot do one of the movements? No advice, nothing. Simply, here is the series, here is how you do it.

Now, with that being said, the instructions for each series are extremely solid. Scott breaks down each pose/asana very well and gives great detail in the transitions. The first time I saw Prasara I though "there is no way I could do that." However, watching the instructions, you see that this is more than manegeable with some practice.

If you have never done any yoga or such before, then some of this would be quite hard since it seems to imply that you already are comfortable in the individual asana. If you cannot do a full back bend, then there are series that you just cannot do. It is that simple. And each series has some things like that and in this DVD there is no advice on how to build up to a backbend, alternates to use, etc.

For example, flock of pigeons, a compartively easy series, has one transition where you are sitting on one leg with your other wrapped around (hard to explain.) I found out that I just could not sit down on my left leg. Progress stopped cold. I now need to spend some time working that out.

But for me, that is fine. I am patient. This is fun to do. It is a nice change of pace and challenging.

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Re: Scott Sonnon - Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD

Post by Dies Irae »

I bought the "Prasara Yoga Book + Prasara Instructional DVD + Prasara 2DVD set", my complaint is that the a series dvd uses the footage from the "prasara 2dvd set" to show how they are done.

If i'd known about the dupliaction of footage I would have saved $35 and just bought the "Prasara Yoga Book + Prasara Instructional DVD " instead and (functionally) got the same level of detail for practice which is my goal at the moment.

I admit the footage would have been a difficult task, but the blurring effect between camera angles is just disorientating rather than helpfull or visually pleasing.

this aside, I'm looking forward to start practising.

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Re: Scott Sonnon - Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD

Post by Mickey O'neil »

So if I want to order the Prasara Yoga dvd is the consensus to get the package that newguy ordered; the Prasara Yoga A dvd and instructional book?

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Re: Scott Sonnon - Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD

Post by newguy »

I would say absolutely.

The prasara book is o.k. Not essential and by itself would not be worth much. In fact, I am not sure it is even o.k.

The instructional DVD is exactly that. Here is the flow, here is how you do it, step by step.

No flowfit progressions so you are really on your own.

From what I hear, the other dvd is worthless. It is simply the flows themselves. Now, there may be some of Sonnon talking, but if you want to learn how to do the flows, the instructional DVD is the one to get.

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Re: Scott Sonnon - Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD

Post by Mickey O'neil »

Thanks newguy, I appreciate it. I've got a b-day coming up and family was wanting some ideas. I actually think I am going to get IntuFlow for my birthday and get the prasara later. At least now I know exactly which package to get.



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Re: Scott Sonnon - Prasara Yoga A Series Instruction DVD

Post by MonkeyJesus »

Let me know if you want any of that stuff MO. I'm in Raleigh for a month or so now.

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