
Tell us if you found a gem or a piece of shit, and who peddled it

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Shaun B. O'Murnecan
Sergeant Commanding
Posts: 8624
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:13 pm


Post by Shaun B. O'Murnecan »

Saw the film last Friday. Pretty good. No so much of a thoughtful critique of religion, but more of a lampoon. You knew that anyway. Very much in the tone of Borat with the style of Michael Moore's stuff--interviews with quick cuts to stock footage.

The Christians and Muslims bear the brunt of most of the attacks. The Jews take a jab or two. Maher actually seems sympathetic at times to some of the religious folks.

My favorite part is when he's discussing Mormonism and their belief that the Native Americans are the lost tribe of Israel. A quick cut is made to Brooks's Blazing Saddles with Indians on horseback speaking Yiddish.

Lotsa LOLs. Definitely worth seeing. Great Sunday matinee flick.


Re: Religulous

Post by ................ »

Agreed with the LOLs part, but Bill Mahr is such an arrogant asshole that it detracts from the story a little bit. Just slightly though.

I like the part where the guys head catches fire in the pot lounge.

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