The Fourth Kind

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Foul-Mouthed Ignoramus
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The Fourth Kind

Post by Foul-Mouthed Ignoramus »

Do NOT see this movie.

Not even for the hotness of Milla Jovovich

If you know anything or ever had any intrest in UFOs and such, even if it was a long time ago as a kid, you will only be offended and insulted by the idiocy.

If you liked the X-Files, you will want to go MST3K on this abortion of a film.

If you must see a movie about alien abduction, rent Communion or Fire in the Sky, or just watch old Unsolved Mysteries episodes on Youtube. With the latter, you'll get the soothing calmness of Robert Stack's voice, which is the opposite of the psychiatrist's voice in the movie.


Hey, you're not fun, you're fat!

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Re: The Fourth Kind

Post by GoDogGo! »

So no one else has to go see it, here's the film's whole value:

The flesh is weak, and the smell of pussy is strong like a muthafucka.

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