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Post by Fat Cat »

I posted this previously but then the site shit the bed for a month so...yeah. Here's some suggestions to make IGX great again.

Fat Cat wrote: Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:55 pm Hi guys! I've been gone a minute, but I saw this thread and it got me thinking.

First, I think that IGX still has something to offer that isn't available elsewhere, and that is worth trying to perpetuate. In brief, it's a place where people can discuss fitness and other topics in a generally un-moderated space which is not oriented toward selling a product. That alone makes us basically unique. It's also a place that has a long history of sowing discord, goring the sacred cows of the fitness world, posting quality porn, and building bridges between East and West (so that we can burn them!). Where else can you post your training log and peruse others in a simple format (fuck you reddit), asking questions and getting informed answers like we do here? And we've done it all as a uniquely democratic, crowd-funded endeavor.

In short, while I did get busy and walk away from this site a while back, I still think IGX is unique and worth keeping going. That said, obviously there are some issues that need to be addressed. The site is slow, we don't get new members, a lot of quality posters have wandered off, the financial burden is increasing while the quality is sliding...and it has been for a while.

I have some suggestions.

1. Allow paid advertising to help maintain and improve the site.
2. Add back the United Provinces of Kettlebellistan...there's no good place to talk about real KB training that isn't run by zombies. We have real luminaries, with real experience, to draw on. When we closed it down we basically opened the doors of the asylum and let all the nutjobs loose to wallow in their own filth. Bring them home. Also, fucking facebook blows. Stop that shit.
3. Current users invite old users back.
4. Current users invite new users.
5. Develop a plan to modernize the site.
6. Consider doing some kind of a fundraiser, such as an IGX t-shirt.
7. Attack other people publicly. It's fun and it draws traffic and discussion.
8. Post training logs...this is one of the most important services that IGX provides.
9. Focus on posting valuable content: reviews, bootlegged shit, etc.

I hope some of you feel the same and we can keep this discussion going. On one hand, it would be normal for IGX to fade away in the same way that I faded away from IGX. I got busy and told myself I was wasting my time. Some of the time that was true, but I also learned a ton from you all and I realize that even after all these years...I still like the same things: jiujitsu, kettlebells, naked ladies, talking shit. I imagine that many of you are the same, and that it's not likely to change. Some things are always current and always have value, and a place like this, in my mind, is one of those things.

Let me know what you think. I'm ready to put up some money and participate more and do all of the above. Also thanks to Syaigh for putting this out in the open.

Fatty out.
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Post by SubClaw »

I subscribe each and every word that Fatty's has written above. Let me know how I can contribute.
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Post by Fat Cat »

Well, I have found that financial solvency is always a good place to start.

How do people feel about paid advertising? Is it worth pursuing?

It's a given that it would be largely an unprofitable annoyance until we can generate enough traffic on this site to start paying, but it seems like it's worth a shot to me.
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Post by odin »

Bring back Ab G-d. He will be our saviour. I am 100% sure.

He is actually a good example of people who drove decent threads.
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Post by Sangoma »

I think we should invite Rant back. He was most entertaining, and his training ADHD ensured the influx of topics.

As far as advertising is concerned, doesn't hurt to try. You can switch it off if the forum starts looking like crap.

I would also add another commercial/marketing move: bumper stickers. Something along the lines of rude demotivators and IGx web address at the bottom. Reasonably simple to produce and very visible. It may also help attract appropriate crowd.

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