What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

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What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

Millions of redditors deliberately fucking with hedge funds, who are crying "market manipulation" because they aren't doing it.

Just fantastic.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »

Shafpocalypse Now wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:31 pm Millions of redditors deliberately fucking with hedge funds, who are crying "market manipulation" because they aren't doing it.

Just fantastic.
Yes, it's rather beautiful to see the way that the serpent coils upon itself. "Only we get to manipulate the market!"
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by nafod »

Don’t believe everything you think.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »

Ah I see Reddit and Discord have banned the WSB crowd now. They even stopped trading for a while. How pathetic, but this is what you people voted for, the kleptocratic coprophagous system rolls on and why? Because common people cost hedgefund Wallstreet shortsellers the billions they think we OWE them.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »

What you are seeing is the erosion of American freedom in real time. "Let the people trade" Robinhood is freezing accounts and seizing capital from accounts suspected of market manipulation per an order from the SEC. This is the big black dick of ZOG coming for you. Don't step out of line.

Hedge funds force de-listings and bankruptcies by shorting companies into extinction. They blow out other hedge funds by forcing short squeezes. When they know a fund is in trouble they attack their top positions to force liquidations and buy/sell at exaggerated discounts/premiums. All of the big names have been on cable news calling companies frauds, pumping their own positions, and trying to force a self fulfilling prophecy.

Now pleb retail investors do it and they call foul play? I am not exaggerating when I say that people should hang, this is the market equivalent of an abusive uncle threatening his victims to keep them from squealing.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »

For those who are curious, but unaware, this is copy-pasta but a decent summary:

If you guys haven't been following the GameStop Stock Shit-Show, you really need to look into it. This is fucking hilarious.
Allow me to catch you up.
So this hedge fund called Melvin Capital wrote out some douchey article about how the smart investment move would be to short-sell GameStop stock. To put it simply, short-selling is essentially gambling that a stock's price will drop. If it does, you make money. If it doesn't, you end up paying out money for however much it goes up.
Well, this little article that Melvin wrote pissed off a dark, dank corner of the internet called Wall Street Bets. WSB is a hive of Ritalin-addled lunatics who treat the stock market like a fucking casino. These dudes will regularly gamble their life-savings on a single trade. It's a glorious thing to watch.
The WSB crew has a weird fascination with certain stocks. They call them "meme stocks." Tesla is one, AMD is another, and GameStop, arguably, is the most weirdly beloved meme stock. So for reasons that make sense only to the degenerates on WSB, Melvin trying to short-sell their meme was a declaration of war.
Yes, this is dumb. But it gets so fucking hilarious.
WSB decided to do a "short squeeze." This is when you see people trying to short a stock, so you buy up that stock, and you get a bunch of other people to buy up that stock. With each purchase the price actually goes up. Since Melvin was trying to short the stock at a price of $20 per share, WSB wanted to get it as high above that price as humanly possible.
They got it up to $200 per share.
This means Melvin has to cover over $180 per share they bought. This came out to billions. Fucking. Billions.
Melvin Capital, over night, was suddenly facing bankruptcy. Think about that. A bunch of self-identified degenerates on a fucking website were able to tank a fucking hedge fund. That's hilarious.
Well, the rich and powerful don't like seeing us plebeians fucking with one of their own. So Point72, another hedge fund, teamed up with a few other little funds, and they injected around THREE BILLION into Melvin Capital to keep them from spiraling. Essentially this meant the billionaire hedge fund crew were banding together to fight back against Wall Street Bets. And WSB just said "okay, no problem."
Today the stock for GameStop is at $320 per share.
Melvin Capital lost all of that three billion they were given. It's gone. They're still fucked. Point72 gave a little over a billion of that injection, and that means that fund dropped from 17 billion to 16 billion. That means in less than 24 hours WSB managed to all but ensure one hedge fund will die and drop the value of another by 6% so far.
And remember, WSB are just a bunch of jackasses on the internet. They aren't hedge fund guys, they aren't millionaires or billionaires. This is literally being done by morons with a phone app coordinating to ruin billionaires' lives because they can.
What we're watching here with GameStop stocks is a bunch of rich people who are getting fucking wrecked, purely for entertainment, by the kind of middle- and poor people they regularly lobby against and treat like this. This "eat the rich" via phone app. It's "damn the man" with a meme-stock.
It's fucking beautiful.
And because whoever is writing our reality lost all sense of subtlety after 2020, the icing on the cake is that the app the WSB crew are using to pull this off is a stock-trading app called Robin Hood. Yeah, as in steal from the rich and all that jazz.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »


Nationalists and socialists coming together? What should we call this new ideology? :-k
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Turdacious »

More proof that NY should surrender all of its electoral votes for at least two election cycles.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Bedlam 0-0-0 »

This is amazing. I have lurked on wsb and their discord channel on and off for a while. This is a new breed of traders, they aren't the 90's day traders or arbitragers. They are gamers. Quite a while ago someone there figured out a "cheat" that what was later termed "infinity leverage." Basically (if I remember correctly) a robinhood user could sell buy a position using all their margin, then start selling calls (covered call position), then they could use the money from selling the options and buy more stock, sell more calls and so on.

Now they are working together and finding legal ways to exploit the system. GME had something like 148% of its shares sold short (uhhh yeah....). So they short squeezed Melvin Capital. They did just what hedge funds have been doing for decades. In addition to Robinhood locking out buying of gme they sold trader's shares afterhours if they were on margin since that margin money belongs to Robinhood. That is a low blow. Many other brokers also colluded and did not allow gme to be purchased but allowed it to be sold...etrade, merrill, pretty much all of them except Fidelity and Tradestation (maybe Sofi). This probably allowed Citadel to gather more short positions in the upper 400 dollar range and slam in down to 100 or whatever. When there was an ounce of class left in the United States the hedge funds would screw traders but do so quietly and not rub their face in it. The class warfare keeps becoming more evident. Fucking with people's money is playing with fire especially when jobs are gone, chances of purchasing a home for the average millennial are dropping every minute of everyday, chances of being able to afford having the simple things in life like a family are dwindling for a cash conscious person who doesn't want to be a welfare teet sucker. WSB has reflected this in spades for a long time. Guys are "yoloing" money one far otm option plays and congratulating each other when they fail. In essence these are Kamikaze traders, suicide traders. Just look at the reddit forum. Guys are talking about "diamond handing" their position meaning that they won't sell and guys aren't selling based on pure fuck you conviction even when it costs them lots of money. It is absolutely amazing. Kudos for the financial kamikazes, they have shown the world what a bunch of zero honor parasites are in control of finance, media, politics, the sec, and politics. Maybe this will end America's deification of those who have big stacks. They have also shown how the collusion of brokers and hedgefunds doesn't stop there but goes to...well...I guess it is still called "journalism" in the US. The financial times reported and later retracted that wsb is alt right (read white supremist) . Other venues reported that the discord server was shut down for "hate speech." Wonderful attempts at victim blaming. Prior to Robinhood selling their client's shares I was hearing reports that the media in all its overbearing nannystate estrogen induced dysphoria, saying "Don't brokers have a responsibility to their clients to sell client shares if it can hurt their account?" They don't understand that these are financial Kamikazes. Many don't care what happens now, they will hold no matter what. They are totally galvanized.

2008 finance fucks around, media twists it and politcs forces the everyman to pay huge bonuses to banksters.
2020 a hedgefund gets rolled by a bunch of retarded financial Kamikazes, cheats in plain view and tries to blame the retards.

May the Divine Winds of Wallstreetbets guide these Autists to success or a noble financial death.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

Happy for the WSB'ers on this one but nearly all of them face wholesale slaughter in the long run and that is sad. The media coverage will contribute to it, which is also a drag.
One of the downsides of the Internet is that it allows like-minded people to form communities, and sometimes those communities are stupid.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Bedlam 0-0-0 »

Grandpa's Spells wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:08 am Happy for the WSB'ers on this one but nearly all of them face wholesale slaughter in the long run and that is sad. The media coverage will contribute to it, which is also a drag.
You are probably right but when I started watching the threads at wsb a couple years ago the information was at a much lower level. There were many more "guh" moments of guys losing their accounts on yolos. They are collectively figuring things out and improving. They are gamers and have been adapting to new games since they could Halo. The hedgehogs have performed the same tricks over and over and over because it worked and probably won't be able to adapt as fast as these autists. The wsbers also have the connectivity to help each other learn more quickly although hedgehogs can listen in and try to jackpot them. That being said winning may cause them to think they can raid every high short interest stock which will not work like this has. This is probably an anomaly but who knows, the collective capital of everyman, if focused can cause large disruptions. I expect that hedgehogs and AI bots will start trying to steer wsb or the next version of it to flow capital back to the 1%. This will be especially pronounced if AI bots that can work human emotion are perfected. Wallstreet in the past was focused on high frequency trading bots and that game has become more and more crowded causing companies to try to rent space closer and closer to the exchanges in order to have a tiny advantage. This is probably plateauing rewards. The new way, in my estimation, will be to figure out how to control large swaths of traders emotions and thus their decisions via AI. Basically Pump and Dump 2.0. It will be interesting to watch and I also am happy for the Autists.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

While an individual play may make a huge windfall, returns over time are a function of good consistent decision-making over all bets made over years. It's like a trick move in martial arts or a fancy play in poker. "Ok, nice one, but we keep playing indefinitely." Maybe you win a huge hand and quit forever ahead, but that's not the typical psychology of somebody looking for big bets.

The reality is you can out-preform 90% of hedge funds over time with index fund investing. These guys would objectively be better off mowing lawns on the weekend and putting that money in a Vanguard fund.

It is almost impossible to overstate the edge the other 10% have over other professionals, let alone amateurs. Even those people, unless they're doing micro transactions with software or are playing in non-liquid esoteric niches, have big losses on the scorecard and risk mitigation saves them. It is not possible for somebody on WSB to avoid those losses.

You could not spend an hour talking to somebody who traded in a pit for 10 years, or who really understands how hedge fund partners pulling $50m-100m/yr actually make their money, and come away thinking r/WallStreetBets is going to do anything but get destroyed. The concept of WSB flies in the face of how people make above-index-fund level returns.
One of the downsides of the Internet is that it allows like-minded people to form communities, and sometimes those communities are stupid.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Bedlam 0-0-0 »

I totally agree with you that this is a flash in the pan and without a plan and ability to follow said plan anyone will fail...and that utilizing etfs or close to zero fee index funds is a much easier and more consistent method.

The concept of wsb as I have seen is two things 1. learning from others and comparing notes to avoid pitfalls. 2. Using the hive wallets to move markets as seen in gme. Neither of these fly in the face of who people make above index fund level returns, because after all, you are witnessing retail traders making outlier returns now via wsb. I'm not sure who else besides retail traders and the outlier funds make the outlier returns you reference, since as you correctly stated most hedgefunds do worse than simple index investing. There are virtually no guys in pits now as it is mostly all computerized so what they did to make money is obsolete and a nonissue in today's markets. Hedgefund partners make their $50-100m from fees. The bigger the fund the more they make. How they run their funds to get above average returns and attract capital are many and varied (algo, hft, oderflow arbitrage, short only, momo etc.) It isn't rocket science and yes I know one hedgefund manager a few lower level guys at these companies. That being said, most wsb people are the same as other people and they will lose their shirts on a long enough time line as you stated.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Bram »

Good summary you shared, Fattie.

Will be interesting to see how this all plays out and how high Gamestop will get/how much that hedge fund will lose.


On a related note:

My uncle used options to build a 150,000$ inheritance into a few million for him and his wife, and a related 150,000$ inheritance for his son into four years of university and 500,000$.

Then lost 100% of all that money (his, his wife's, his son's).

Options are risky.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »

Bedlam 0-0-0 wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:48 am This is amazing. I have lurked on wsb and their discord channel on and off for a while. This is a new breed of traders, they aren't the 90's day traders or arbitragers. They are gamers. Quite a while ago someone there figured out a "cheat" that what was later termed "infinity leverage." Basically (if I remember correctly) a robinhood user could sell buy a position using all their margin, then start selling calls (covered call position), then they could use the money from selling the options and buy more stock, sell more calls and so on.

Now they are working together and finding legal ways to exploit the system. GME had something like 148% of its shares sold short (uhhh yeah....). So they short squeezed Melvin Capital. They did just what hedge funds have been doing for decades. In addition to Robinhood locking out buying of gme they sold trader's shares afterhours if they were on margin since that margin money belongs to Robinhood. That is a low blow. Many other brokers also colluded and did not allow gme to be purchased but allowed it to be sold...etrade, merrill, pretty much all of them except Fidelity and Tradestation (maybe Sofi). This probably allowed Citadel to gather more short positions in the upper 400 dollar range and slam in down to 100 or whatever. When there was an ounce of class left in the United States the hedge funds would screw traders but do so quietly and not rub their face in it. The class warfare keeps becoming more evident. Fucking with people's money is playing with fire especially when jobs are gone, chances of purchasing a home for the average millennial are dropping every minute of everyday, chances of being able to afford having the simple things in life like a family are dwindling for a cash conscious person who doesn't want to be a welfare teet sucker. WSB has reflected this in spades for a long time. Guys are "yoloing" money one far otm option plays and congratulating each other when they fail. In essence these are Kamikaze traders, suicide traders. Just look at the reddit forum. Guys are talking about "diamond handing" their position meaning that they won't sell and guys aren't selling based on pure fuck you conviction even when it costs them lots of money. It is absolutely amazing. Kudos for the financial kamikazes, they have shown the world what a bunch of zero honor parasites are in control of finance, media, politics, the sec, and politics. Maybe this will end America's deification of those who have big stacks. They have also shown how the collusion of brokers and hedgefunds doesn't stop there but goes to...well...I guess it is still called "journalism" in the US. The financial times reported and later retracted that wsb is alt right (read white supremist) . Other venues reported that the discord server was shut down for "hate speech." Wonderful attempts at victim blaming. Prior to Robinhood selling their client's shares I was hearing reports that the media in all its overbearing nannystate estrogen induced dysphoria, saying "Don't brokers have a responsibility to their clients to sell client shares if it can hurt their account?" They don't understand that these are financial Kamikazes. Many don't care what happens now, they will hold no matter what. They are totally galvanized.

2008 finance fucks around, media twists it and politcs forces the everyman to pay huge bonuses to banksters.
2020 a hedgefund gets rolled by a bunch of retarded financial Kamikazes, cheats in plain view and tries to blame the retards.

May the Divine Winds of Wallstreetbets guide these Autists to success or a noble financial death.
Amazing post man. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> Five clappies, my highest rating.

The mere fact that the media tried to spin crushing predatory hedgefunds as "antisemitic" tells you who the house really is. I like the term "kamikaze traders" too; I tried explaining it to some normies over cocktails last night and they just couldn't wrap their head around it. "They'll probably lose money." Nigga, those are Trumpbucks they just got in the mail they are using to wage war on the crass kleptocrats that are running this country into the ground. They're not investing for a return, they want some vengeance for the past 40+ years of abuse by Wall Street. The convergence of right and left around a new war against the elite is what I have been waiting all my life for.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by nafod »

Time for a new Occupy Wall Street?
Don’t believe everything you think.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Bedlam 0-0-0 »

That means a lot Fats, thank you kindly.

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

nafod wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:46 pm Time for a new Occupy Wall Street?
If you could get an OWS that didn't look like people Cartman would chase with a riding mower there's a lot there.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by baffled »

nafod wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:46 pm Time for a new Occupy Wall Street?
Nah. I don't know if the thread still exists, but I went down to Oakland and San Francisco to do a little igx journalism and while I've grown to be more sympathetic to their motivations, the movement was beyond useless and (I think) counter productive.

I'm almost certainly being naive, but I think most people simply want fairness. Senators selling travel related stocks before sars-cov-2 hit pissed a lot of people off. The lack of consequences pissed off even more people. Pelosi allegedly buying Tesla stock in anticipation of transitioning the federal fleet to electric is pissing off even more people. A bunch of Robinhood traders go full send to stick it to some hedge funds and they start talking about restructuring the whole market and locking individuals out.

Either everyone gets the same consequences or nobody does.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »

baffled wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:44 pm Either everyone gets the same consequences or nobody does.
It's never been a fair playing field, but recently, they've stopped even pretending that's the ideal worth striving for. It's pure divide and conquer with identity politics, lockdowns, and censorship as a wedge between communities facing similar challenges. Look at the rage implicit in what's going on with Gamestop:

"My portfolio is a dying video game store, a closed down movie theater, and some cryptocurrency that I have no idea what it does. And it's worth $40m." \:D/
"I have longed for shipwrecks, for havoc and violent death.” - Havoc, T. Kristensen

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Fat Cat »

Can anybody speak to the veracity of this analysis?

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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by baffled »

Fat Cat wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:15 pm
baffled wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:44 pm Either everyone gets the same consequences or nobody does.
It's never been a fair playing field, but recently, they've stopped even pretending that's the ideal worth striving for. It's pure divide and conquer with identity politics, lockdowns, and censorship as a wedge between communities facing similar challenges. Look at the rage implicit in what's going on with Gamestop:

"My portfolio is a dying video game store, a closed down movie theater, and some cryptocurrency that I have no idea what it does. And it's worth $40m." \:D/
LMAO at dogecoin running hot now.

The audacity of those rigging the game is mind blowing. I wonder what goes through their minds when they pull something like coordinated censorship across multiple social media platforms, or what's gone on with this WSB vs Melvin, Citron etc.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by baffled »

Fat Cat wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:35 pm Can anybody speak to the veracity of this analysis?

Well, that made me shit my pants a little.
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Re: What about that Gamespot stock, eh?

Post by Grandpa's Spells »

His first statement is flatly false so I don't think he understand what's going on.

There doesn't appear to be any evidence of a systemwide threat. There are a LOT of finance/econ/market people being interviewed right now, some of whom are saying, "good for Wall Street Bets," but nobody is saying what that guy is - it's literally not even coming up.

This was a good interview:
One of the downsides of the Internet is that it allows like-minded people to form communities, and sometimes those communities are stupid.

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