Anvil: The Story of Anvil

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Anvil: The Story of Anvil

Post by Holland Oates »

Holy shit what a great story. You don't have to be a metalhead or even know who the fuck Anvil is to enjoy this doc. It's a pretty cool story about some old ass rockers who stick with their dreams for 30 plus years and the path it takes them. I almost believe it's fake since it's such a perfect tale. But who knows. Well worth a watch no matter.
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Re: Anvil: The Story of Anvil

Post by DARTH »

I saw that, great Doc.

The twist for me, having been a musician and at one time having that "We will make it or DIE!" attitude that you need to have if you are going to be a musician who does original songs and does not want to be Lounge Lizards or Cover Whores. The thing for me is on one hand you find yourself going "Fuck yeah! Keep at it Bro!" and on other times your like "Dudes, face it, do something else for your kid's sake."

You will allways have the "If I stuck to it I might have made it." thing going after you stop gigging. Trust me, I hear Wolfmother and Them Crooked Vutures and say "Fuck that was us in 93!" It nibbles at you a bit from time to time.

So on one hand I see why they do it but having kids and being in a position where they off the path employment choice I have made since 03 might not be able to provide what I could for them if I was still doing the 50-60 hour a week Construction thing. You have the "Keep it up, you came this far and things will break soon." with the " maybe you should put this on the back burner and do someone else's bidding 40 hours a week to make it a little better for your kids."
So I feel for these guys and it does make me talk in the mirror, I may not still be in a band but doing KB/PT Training and being a martial arts instructor who is not in the popular art of the decade and refuses to water down his adult material for the weak and the loaded, prefering the broke and dedicated as students.

If they were not Canadian they would not be able to do what they have been doing for the last 25 years unless they lived in Europe.

I hope this Doc helps them sell some CDs and some t-shirts, gets some people to their shows and gives them a nest egg to retire on.

I actually bought an old Anvil cd after watching this just to give them something ASAP.

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Re: Anvil: The Story of Anvil

Post by vern »

I finally got around to watching, what a great documentary! Just an amazing story from start to finish.

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Re: Anvil: The Story of Anvil

Post by TerryB »

Who the fuck makes a movie about ibuprofen??

Stupidest fucking thing I"ve ever heard of.
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