
Tell us if you found a gem or a piece of shit, and who peddled it

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Post by Turdacious »

Bilingual Japanese/English (subtitled) miniseries on Netflix. First episode looks at a Japanese police detective with a Yakuza'd-up brother who is suspected in a gangland murder with connections in the UK. The first episode introduces the lead detective's strong willed wife, mother and father, and either psychotic or badass teen daughter; and the mob connections of the detective's allegedly deceased brother and boss; and detective's connections in London (where he's sent to find clues) including a Scottish single mom detective and a half Japanese rent boy. All the characters are well developed. Definitely worth watching at this point-- other than the mobbed up ones (at least up to this point), all the characters are well developed and interesting.
"Liberalism is arbitrarily selective in its choice of whose dignity to champion." Adrian Vermeule