The Boys are Back in Town

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The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Dave »

This is a quickie partial review.

I had problems with my DVD player & disc one so I've semi-watched the 2nd and 3rd dvds and am in the 1st part of the 1st one (using my laptop)

In Mike's ad copy he says no filler, no fluff & he is right. This has been edited down to the bones. There are no lulls, no BS going on.
Mike covers his testosterone stuff. The same material as in the pdf he gave us. Its a bit boring (Zzzzzzz) as is to be expected on this type of topic, but still very informative.

Nate Morrison covers movement and comes at it from a Systema point of view, shows some moves that you can incorporate kbs with. He also covers breathing and breath control and using the breath to help lift a heavy bell. Good stuff but a bit esoteric for some. On the DVD it is mostly lecture.

Steve Cotter covers GS of korse, swings, cleans, snatches etc. I was only have watching so I cant remember what else he covered. I may have dozed off. (Sorry Steve :) )

Steve Maxwell covers joint mobility, this is his take on Z-Health & Sonnon's stuff (which Steve M readily admits he "stole") but still good stuff with Maxwell's unique point of view on things.

I'll go more in depth when I finish the 1st disk & go back through the other 2.

All in all it is definitely worth the $149.95. 7.5 hours of nothing but top quality info from 4 of the top trainers. This is the workshop they also wanted to do when they were with DragonDoor.

get yours here:
Fat Cat wrote: People have never really seen true mastery, so they don't even know that they don't have it.

M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »


thanks for the honest review!

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Dave »


I'll get a bit more in depth when I re-watch it
Fat Cat wrote: People have never really seen true mastery, so they don't even know that they don't have it.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by TomFurman »

If you play it backwards you can hear me saying "Rotor Cuff" instead of Rotator Cuff. Then there is some demonic music from Harley.
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Abandoned by Wolves »

FWIW, my DVD player had no trouble with any of the disks (that's always the first thing I check with these specialty products).

I was lucky enough to get the set at the prepublication price (thanks, Shaf!) and consider it money well spent. I thought I knew a fair amount about joint mobility and functional movement, but Steve Maxwell really impressed me with his joint mobility stuff - his presentation on disk 1 was much more motivating and convincing than the "follow along" studio DVD he released a couple of years ago. Steve and Mike were their usual studly selves, and seeing Nate for the first time was a pleasant surprise - he obviously knew his stuff and I enjoyed his presentations too.
"I also think training like a Navy S.E.A.L. is stupid for the average person. I would say PT like an infantry unit, run, body weight stuff, hump a little, a little weights and enjoy life if you are not training for specifics." -tough old man

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Shafpocalypse Now »

What do you mean "Thanks Shaf"?

I am here to swear that I did not pay ABW for sex or any kind of special massage, so I did not, in fact, finance this purchase for him.

Very mysterious.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Abandoned by Wolves »

Sorry, I thought I remembered that Shaf was the one who posted that the DVD was available on Mahler's site, and what I meant was "Thanks, Shaf, for sharing the news so I could save $50."

Now I can't find the original notice. I may have hallucinated the whole thing.

I apologize for any confusion I may have caused. I'm 7 hours into a 13 hour shift and my judgement and recall may be somewhat impaired. And yet, somehow, I am the "Help Desk Guy".

The mind shudders at the thought.
"I also think training like a Navy S.E.A.L. is stupid for the average person. I would say PT like an infantry unit, run, body weight stuff, hump a little, a little weights and enjoy life if you are not training for specifics." -tough old man

M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

Abandoned by Wolves wrote:FWIW, my DVD player had no trouble with any of the disks (that's always the first thing I check with these specialty products).

I was lucky enough to get the set at the prepublication price (thanks, Shaf!) and consider it money well spent. I thought I knew a fair amount about joint mobility and functional movement, but Steve Maxwell really impressed me with his joint mobility stuff - his presentation on disk 1 was much more motivating and convincing than the "follow along" studio DVD he released a couple of years ago. Steve and Mike were their usual studly selves, and seeing Nate for the first time was a pleasant surprise - he obviously knew his stuff and I enjoyed his presentations too.
thanks for the business and feedback. I agree that Steve M's section was awesome and inspired me to do more JM work daily. By far his best JM work on DVD.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Hamper »

What's covered on disk 2 and 3?

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Dave »

Disc 1:
Steve Maxwell joint mobility, pushups (i found why /how I fucked up my shoulder & I can now do pushups with no pain) Mobility work includes, ankles, feet, fingers, wrists. Some very cool shoulder stuff that you probably haven't seen before.
Mike Mahler - Pressing. This a way different that the way Mike used to press based what on he has learned since his RKC days. Relaxation and explosiveness are the key, No more grinding it out unless it is a 1 RM attempt. It will take some time to learn this method. He also covers bent rows, and a 2 kb kickstand squat lunge

Excellent information from both guys and shows how they have grown over the past year or two
Fat Cat wrote: People have never really seen true mastery, so they don't even know that they don't have it.

M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

review from a customer


OK, I've finished watching all three DVDs. Hey, not everyone watches the
damn apple drop in NYC to bring in the New Year. Anyway, this is by far
one of the best DVDs on kettlebell training that I've seen, and I have seen
tons of them. What's interesting is that I can tell that you guys ( i.e.,
Maxwell, Cotter, and yourself) have not been stagnate in your development.
I'm still trying to digest all the *new rules*, as I like to call them,
about KB lifting that was presented in the DVDs.

I'm just glad that you did a pre-sale because getting these dvds for under
$100 was a steal! I encourage anyone who is interested in learning the more
traditional and up to date KB techniques, buy this video and be prepared to
be blown away. Also, anyone who has purchased your Fat Loss DVD, as I have,
definitely needs to buy this DVD to understand how they need to modify a
couple of lifts, especially the military press. I tried the relaxed press
yesterday, and I can see how it is easier to press heavier bells going from
a relaxed state and only using as much tension as needed. I still need to
find the groove, but I can really tell how this non-tensed technique works
better than having your entire body tense through the *entire* rep.

On another note, bro I really think that you and the "Steves" should get
together and develop a KB and flexibility certification, which, of course,
is different from the RKC. From watching this video, it's very clear to me
that you guys know your shit, and when all this is combined into one system,
I think a lot of CPTs and fitness buffs would benefit tremendously. I'll be
one of the first to sign up."

By the way I will post negative reviews as well if I get any and anything in between.

Last edited by M Mahler on Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by kallistos »

M Mahler wrote: Also, your discussion
about the relationship between sex and growth hormones is on the money; I
can personally attest to it and plan on blogging about it this week! Let's
just say that I'm over 35, and I didn't pay that much attention to your
discussion about this in one of your books that I have until one day willy
decided not to wake up.

.......On another note, bro I really think that you and the "Steves" should get
together and develop a KB and flexibility certification, which, of course,
is different from the RKC. From watching this video, it's very clear to me
that you guys know your shit, and when all this is combined into one system,
I think a lot of CPTs and fitness buffs would benefit tremendously. I'll be
one of the first to sign up." Muata Kamdibe

By the way I will post negative reviews as well if I get any and anything in between.


"Bro", did you really post this poor bastard's impotence on a discussion forum? Not cool bro, not cool.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Fat Cat »

Muata is feeling embarrassed right about now.
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M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

thanks for catching that and it is indeed not cool. Just edited it thanks. Next time I will read the feedback before posting it!

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Hamper »

He did say he was going to blog about it all week.

M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

more feedback on the DVD:

"Got your video – great stuff – liked lecture on stress – where is the bar set? This is something to consider every day - I really liked your US Marine in Iraq stress level example vs. a whiney wanker housefrau. I was impressed w/ Steve Maxwell and Steve Cotter’s lecture. All of the KB overview info improved my form/technique and per set performance. Thank you, I thought it was very well done and very educational."--George Sucher

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

"Let me say that I was blown away by these DVD's. (you can use me as a testimonial if you wish)..I learned so much from you and everyone. Each guy brought their special knowledge to each session..I loved your talk on supplements and careful watching of your hormonal levels through blood tests. Also, I study Shaolin Kung fu and I've always wanted to see Steve Cotter in action. By the way I am 46 and boy has Steve Maxwell given me something to shoot for as far as physical condition! I also found relaxing through tension a very valuable lesson from Nate Morrison."--Alex Katsanos

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

"Thanks very much for getting back to me. I very much appreciate the prompt reply and am certainly more than happy with the service I have received from you whenever I have purchased your products.

I also wanted to let you know how highly I regard your products and the obvious effort that goes into them. The DVD was well worth the money and is by far the most comprehensive I have ever seen on training, health and lifestyle. The excellent presentation skills of each speaker ensured that all the points were conveyed in a simple, direct and effective manner; I was also able to understand how joint mobility and posture increase the effectiveness of KB workouts and have tried to apply the correct principles in my own training.

I would be very interested to know if you intend to repeat this seminar (or produce anything similar) in the UK?" Tom Haddon

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by vtrkc »

First post here on IG. Open post to MMahler,

I'm a relatively new RKC, and have been reading the posts about after the BABIT weekend, and general feelings about DD, JDC, Pavel, etc. I read some of SC's blog about the fallout after he left DD, got the "Amway" gist from you, and other negative posts from others. WTF is the deal? I've been in martial arts a long time, and I've seen the same thing happen there. Three things usually are involved; ego, money, or power, and any mix of the aforementioned. Any family, dojo, organization grows and the child/student/junior grows up, moves out, moves on. Sometimes good wishes and good luck, sometimes bad feelings and FU attitude. I was fortunate to be at the last RKC that had SC and SM, and wished I could have been there back in the day with Jeff and Nate there too, but my question is now what? Mike M, how different will your future plan to promote and/or certify instructors differ from DD? Or, is everyone just going to be there own promoter of KBs, their style or system? I'm not looking for a disagreement, I'm looking for answers.

Personally, the only problem I had was you're equating DD with Amway. You obviously have much more experience and inside knowledge of the goings on in the KB elites world, but Amway? Pavel runs his business, makes a living, supports his family, runs his business. I paid for the RKC, my KBs, a few tapes. He has a product and a service I liked and paid for. I don't have an upline that takes a cut, nor a downline that I get residual income from. Unless you know something I don't about DD/Pavel, that seemed pretty disrespectful. If there is something you'd like to share, I'd sure like to know rather that wasting alot of time, money, and effort.

I bought one of your dvds, hope to get more, and like what you teach. Keep up the high quality work and product.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Fat Cat »

vtrkc wrote:I'm a relatively new RKC
"I have longed for shipwrecks, for havoc and violent death.” - Havoc, T. Kristensen

M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

I really do not care to get into the DD fall out etc. That has been talked to death here and elsewhere. As for my plans, I have no plans to do any certifications or build any organization. I am helping a few Kb instructors with marketing and workshop promotion, doing my own KB workshops, and will continue to put out more products.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by TomFurman »

Mike's a good guy to the core, and never lets his mouth write a check his ass can't cash.
That being said,... from now on,.. if he hands someone a check for $12,000, they will probably be VERY thankful and not have a snappy comeback.
You can hardly go wrong dealing with Mike. He's also offered business advice on this forum, over the phone, and his newsletter is full of content. For free.

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by Dux »

TomFurman wrote:Mike's a good guy to the core, and never lets his mouth write a check his ass can't cash.
That being said,... from now on,.. if he hands someone a check for $12,000, they will probably be VERY thankful and not have a snappy comeback.
You can hardly go wrong dealing with Mike. He's also offered business advice on this forum, over the phone, and his newsletter is full of content. For free.

"Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt "

M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

"I wanted to shoot you a quick note to tell you how much Melissa and I are benefiting from the "Boys" dvd series. Truly great stuff from all four instructors. Steve M's joint mobility section has been a huge benefit for both of us. We were truly surprised at the difference the mobility exercises make. Cotter's piece was really my main reason to purchase as I have switched my training focus on GS. As you stated, it was worth the price for Steve's section on GS alone! Mike, your section was notable for the fact that you are still focused on the size and strength but now have incorporated the rest/relax components into the training routine. I have used this to great effect and believe that all of your clients will benefit from your new training methodologies." Even at $200.00 it is worth every penny."--Geoff Myck

"I've purchased all of your DVD's for the last few years but this is by far the most valuable purchase of this type by anyone. It's without a doubt worth twice the price. This series will be viewed over and over and I expect to keep learning for quite a while. I will be recommending this set to everyone I know. It's also interesting to note how your style and methods have changed over the years. Keep up the good work. This is by far your best work and the most valuable DVD series of this type that I've ever purchased."-- Pat Sitton

"If your not "into" kettlebells this DVD is definitely for you. IT covers so much on subjects beyond kettlebells and applicable to overall fitness and well-being that you would have to buy 5 other DVD's to get the same information. So get it, but don't be surprised if you "get into" kettlebells as a result of the DVD. Hey, everything has it's side effects!"--Ron Priestly

"The DVD is excellent. It was not merely a rehash of previous material but stressed new approaches to time honored exercises not previously demonstrated. The DVD covers the full spectrum of conditioning from proper breathing, stretching, endurance, and strength. Each speaker presented their area of expertise with clarity and enthusiasm. The reproduction and sound quality is excellent. If you want to have four of the best strength and conditioning coaches in the country teaching you the latest, most effective techniques of strength and conditioning, you owe it to yourself to purchase this DVD."--Steve Fink

M Mahler
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

I want to offer a very positive testimonial on The Boys are Back in Town DVD set. I will start by admitting however I have not got all the way through it and still feel it is great value for money. It is well set out with excellent menu functionality, good quality video and everything is well presented in depth (no rushing through explanations). I have had 2 main benefits from the DVD so far (and will get many more) 1) Steve Maxwell’s section on Joint Mobility has been great. I have had minor problems with my rotater cuff which were impacting training. Using some of Steve’s shoulder exercises, I have had no problems at all, I would have a small pain before the exercises start but after some of his exercises to warm things up I have pain free training sessions and no pain the next day (and its completely fixed now).

I have also found Mike’s section great to improve my technique, as I train alone it is hard to be sure you are doing things exactly right from a few descriptions on a pdf file. Your in depth descriptions and attention to each stage of the movement have been really helpful. Thanks for a great DVD and I feel value for money and I still have almost 4hrs to digest!


Blair, Auckland , New Zealand

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