The Boys are Back in Town

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M Mahler
Posts: 1135
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:52 am

Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

"I love nearly everything about "the Boys are Back in Town" DVD's. Steve Maxwell is incredible. I've stated to incorporate joint mobility exercises in to my boot camp workouts. Your presentation on optimizing hormones has got me making a daily effort to get more sleep not just rest. Steve Cotter is, as always, very motivating. So much so that I have him coming to Fresno for a kettlebell seminar in April. I didn't get that much from Nate's presentations though."

M Mahler
Posts: 1135
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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

This was the most positive learning DVD I have ever purchased. I have an education in Chiropractic, nutrition and exercise therapy. The topics in this DVD and the presenters were the most tangible, inspiring and practical in their knowledge, application and embodiment.

Mahler put together a team that will bring your kettlebell practice to a new level. It has already, immediately changed my own body awareness, which I know will enhance the lives of the patients I work with.
I have been teaching exercise to patients for years. I deeply respect Mike’s teaching style and I am always looking for new ways to take my practice to the next level. In 2006 I discovered Mike Mahler and he helped me begin my own intense studies of the kettlebell system. I was fortunate enough to attend two of Mike’s courses, where the light switch was flipped and I was truly able to marry these concepts together with what I do in Chiropractic. The DVD is full of fantastic teaching abilities that enable the viewer to understand how to integrate the techniques into movement. This work will enrich and deepen your approach to stretching, mobilization, exercise and breathing. I believe that integrating these principles will lead my clients towards a more balanced approach to achieving overall fitness and body wisdom.
The instructors on this DVD have a great manner, perspective, and keep you engaged and informed. Thank you!

Jeffrey Tucker, DC, DACRB
Los Angeles, CA

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Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by TomFurman »

"There is only one God, and he doesn't dress like that". - - Captain America

M Mahler
Posts: 1135
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:52 am

Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

Thanks a lot Tom and I look forward to seeing your new DVD. The last one was outstanding

M Mahler
Posts: 1135
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:52 am

Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by M Mahler »

"Mr. Mahler Admittedly, I had been very disappointed with the other DVD (fat loss DVD) I had previously ordered from you as I found your presentation both unprofessional and pretentious. However, your Kettlebell Workshop DVD has been the best $170 I have ever spent. You were informative, professional, engaging, and encouraging. In short, you and all the other presenters were phenomenal. I am so looking forward to receiving your new and improved Basic Kettlebell DVD to begin re-training myself in kettlebells while incorporating the Workshop material into my training matrix. Outstanding!"

Sergeant Commanding
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Location: Ft. Lauderdale

Re: The Boys are Back in Town

Post by TomFurman »

unprofessional and pretentious
Yes, sitting on the couch or in front of Lake Mead can do that for you.LOL

At least he liked BABIT.

"There is only one God, and he doesn't dress like that". - - Captain America

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